LTThis chapter focuses on Baltic developments from the 1860s until the present with an emphasis on historical continuities over different periods of continental colonial rule1 and decolonial struggles. For comparative studies of colonial rule and anticolonial movements, the historical developments on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea offer rich material: here, decolonial struggles form continuities between nineteenth-century nation-building and the late twentieth-century collapse of the Soviet Union, including also a period of independent nation-states between the two colonial eras. Paradoxes and surprises abound, especially in the Soviet-era Baltics. A colonial matrix of power is camouflaged as a friendship of nations, colonial rule is established over modern nation-states, and nineteenth-century romantic values are refabricated into a late twentieth- century decolonial agenda (Annus 2018). [Iš straipsnio, p. 463]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Baltijos regionas; Dekolonizacija; Estija (Estonia); Kolonializmas; Kolonijinis ir dekolonijinis vystymasis; Latvija (Latvia); Sovietinis režimas; Tautos; Tautų (atgimimas); Baltic region; Birth of Nations; Colonial and Decolonial Developments; Colonialism; Decolonisation; European Union; Latvia; Lithuania; Nations; Soviet regime; Europos Sąjunga (European Union).