Juozas Naujalis muzikinėje Juozo Žilevičiaus veikloje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Juozas Naujalis muzikinėje Juozo Žilevičiaus veikloje
Alternative Title:
Juozas Naujalis in the musical activity of Juozas Žilevičius
In the Journal:
Ars et praxis. 2019, 7, p. 11-21
Summary / Abstract:

LTJuozas Naujalis (1869–1934), vargonininkas, choro dirigentas, kompozitorius ir pedagogas, pradėjo savo kūrybinį kelią Lietuvos atsikūrimo priešaušryje. Jis padėjo pagrindus lietuvių tautinei muzikinei kultūrai ir pelnytai yra vadinamas Lietuvos muzikos patriarchu. Juozas Žilevičius (1891–1987) taip pat reiškėsi svarbiausiuose muzikos baruose ir buvo vienas pirmųjų, suvokęs Naujalio istorinį išskirtinumą. Apie tai jis rašė Lietuvos, Rusijos ir JAV periodinėje spaudoje, daugiausia lietuviškoje. Šiandien tie jo straipsniai yra pamiršti ir muzikologų mažai naudojami. Todėl šios publikacijos tikslas yra praturinti lietuvių muzikos istoriografiją Žilevičiaus darbais ir atskleisti jo požiūrį į Naujalį. Objektas – koncertinės programėlės ir Žilevičiaus straipsniai, spausdinti 1917–1983 m., kuriuose jis apibūdino ir įvertino šio savo amžininko veiklą. Metodai: literatūros analizė, istorinio nuoseklumo principas, lyginimas ir apibendrinimas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Choras; Juozas Naujalis; Juozas Žilevičius; Kompozitorius; Muzika; Vargonininkas; Choir; Composer; Juozas Naujalis; Juozas Žilevičius; Music; Organist.

ENJuozas Naujalis (1869–1934), a church organist, choir conductor, composer, and educator began his creative career in the dawn of Lithuania’s rebirth. He laid the foundation for the Lithuanian national music culture and deservedly earned the title of the Lithuanian Music Patriarch. Juozas Žilevičius (1891–1987) also worked in major music fields and was one of the first to recognise Naujalis’ historical exclusivity, as they collaborated and maintained close contacts. Žilevičius’ articles were published in Lithuanian, Russian, and US periodicals, however, today they are forgotten and hardly ever referred to by musicologists. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to enrich the historiography of Lithuanian music with the works of Žilevičius and to reveal his views on Naujalis. the works of Žilevičius and to reveal his views on Naujalis. Žilevičius started to write about Naujalis when the latter was still alive and highlighted his most important merits, such as 1) fostering of Gregorian chant in the Cathedral and Priest Seminary in Kaunas, thus bringing church music in the Samogitian Diocese to a very high level before World War I; 2) publishing of “The Lithuanian Hymnal”, which contributed to ousting Polish hymns from Lithuanian churches and promoted singing in the mother tongue; 3) training of church organists and choir conductors through the establishment of courses and societies and the publication of special materials for them; 4) the establishment of Kaunas Music School and the basis of the system of music education; 5) organisation of the first Song Festival in Lithuania; 6) writing and disseminating church compositions; and 7) composing and performance of his own secular music, especially of original and harmonised folk songs, which contributed to the national revival process.Lithuanians in the USA received information about Naujalis from the writings of Žilevičius, published in diaspora newspapers and journals. Thanks to him, Naujalis’ church music was popularised and the anniversaries of the composer’s birth and death were commemorated. In his own musicological archives, Žilevičius collected materials about Naujalis and stored them for future generations. This information was used by the refugees of World War II to continue the dissemination of Naujalis’ cultural heritage started by Žilevičius. The materials about Naujalis presented in Žilevičius’ articles enable the restoration of a more accurate portrait of the Lithuanian Music Patriarch and nowadays can be used in research and education. [From the publication]

2022-01-01 18:24:40
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