Šakių parkai prie vandens ir jų plėtojimo gairės

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šakių parkai prie vandens ir jų plėtojimo gairės
Alternative Title:
Šakiai parks near the water and guidelines for their development
In the Journal:
Miestų želdynų formavimas [Formation of urban green areas]. 2018, Nr. 1 (15), p. 211-221
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aprašoma 2017 m. UAB "Želdynai" kraštovaizdžio architektų parengti trijų parkų sutvarkymo projektai Šakiuose: J. Lingio parko, Šakių tvenkinio pakrančių parko ir Siesarties pakrančių parko. Trumpai pristatoma Šių parkų istorija, pateikiami parkų planai ir aptariamos parkų projektuotojams iškilusios problemos dėl erdvių kūrimo ir krūmų sodinimo. Pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kaip tvarkyti esamus parkų medynus ir kitus želdinius. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kraštovaizdžio architektūra; Parkai; Šakiai; Landscape architecture; Parks; Šakiai.

ENBy the order of Šakiai District Municipality Administration on the year 2017, the landscape architects from Želdynai Company designed three parks: J. Lingis Park (2 hectares), Šakiai Pond Coast Park (11 hectares) and Siesartis Coastal Park (2.5 hectares). The spatial structure of J. Lingis Park has changed. At present, two diagonally crossing paths dominate in the Park. The green hedges, which were formerly at the border of the park, today grow in the rows of trees. An important suggestion of this project is to build a new path along the southern border of the park next to the rising alley. In 1958, a pond was created, when a stream was dammed up and a wet meadow was flooded. Soon Šakiai Pond Coast Park was created next to the pond. 66 car parking places are planned at the park. A broad path will be build abngside the pond from North to South joining various playgrounds and accommodating a series of benches, built a,ong the path. The deciduous tree stands planted 50-60 years ago, grow in the centre of the park. The main treatment °f this tree stand is thinning, suggested to carry out in steps every five years, removing the damaged trees. Many poplar trees (Populus) are overshadowing other valuable trees, so it is suggested to cut them first. The Siesartis Valley could be the most attractive place in Šakiai. The main pedestrian-cycling path is planned in toe park on the right bank of the river Siesartis, from Kęstutis Street up to V. Kudirka Street. Alongside the path, the outdoor gym, basketball courts, children's playgrounds, and a resting place with views to Siesartis are designed. The 1.5 m wide pedestrian walkway on the left bank of Siesartis will connect two existing bridges and create an opportunity for longer walks in a circle, allowing you to admire the valley from the other side of Siesartis. [From the publication]

1822-9778; 2029-4549
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