Notarų civilinė atsakomybė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Notarų civilinė atsakomybė
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Versus, 2009.
311 p
Bibliografija išnašose.
PRATARMĖ — 1 SKYRIUS. PROFESINĖS CIVILINĖS ATSAKOMYBĖS YPATUMAI. 1.1. Profesijos samprata ir požymiai - 1.2. Profesinės civilinės atsakomybės ypatumai - 1.3. Notarų civilinės atsakomybės bendrieji ypatumai — 2 SKYRIUS. NOTARŲ CIVILINĖ ATSAKOMYBĖ PAGAL UŽSIENIO VALSTYBIŲ TEISĘ. 2.1 -Lyginamojo metodo reikšmė - 2.2. Notarų civilinė atsakomybė lotyniškojo notariato sistemos valstybėse - 2.3. Notarų civilinė atsakomybė anglosaksiškojo notariato sistemos valstybėse - 2.4. Notarų civilinė atsakomybė mišrios notariato sistemos valstybėse — 3 SKYRIUS. NOTARŲ CIVILINĖS ATSAKOMYBĖS SĄLYGOS. 3.1. Neteisėtumas - 3.2. Kaltė - 3.3. Priežastinis ryšys - 3.4. Žala — 4 SKYRIUS. NOTARŲ PROFESINĖS CIVILINĖS ATSAKOMYBĖS DRAUDIMAS. 4.1. Profesinės civilinės atsakomybės draudimo teisinė prigimtis - 4.2. Notarų profesinės civilinės atsakomybės draudimas Lietuvoje - 4.3. Notarų profesinės civilinės atsakomybės draudimas užsienio valstybėse — APIBENDRINIMAS — CIVIL LIABILITY OF NOTARIES PUBLIC. Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LT[...] Šio kolektyvinio mokslinio tyrimo tikslas - remiantis statutine teise ir teismų praktika išanalizuoti profesijos apskritai ir notaro profesijos skyrium ypatumus, notarų profesinės civilinės atsakomybės specifiką, notarų civilinės atsakomybės sąlygas, jų aiškinimą ir taikymą teismų praktikoje. Pažymėtina, kad knygoje analizuojami tik tie atvejai, kai notaras veikia atlikdamas notarinius veiksmus. Atitinkamai neaptariami atvejai, kai notaras vykdo su notariniais veiksmais nesusijusias funkcijas, pavyzdžiui, teikia arbitravimo, tarpininkavimo paslaugas. Monografijoje taip pat analizuojamas notarų profesinės civilinės atsakomybės draudimo institutas kaip priemonė apsaugoti notarų ir nukentėjusiųjų turtinius interesus. Atsižvelgiant į teisės vienodinimo ir derinimo tendencijas lyginamuoju metodu trumpai analizuojama ir notarų profesinės civilinės atsakomybės problematika užsienio valstybėse. Pagrindinis tyrimo tikslas, be abejo, yra siekis identifikuoti pagrindines su notarų civiline atsakomybe susijusias problemas ir pasiūlyti jų sprendimo būdus [...]. [Iš Pratarmės]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Civilinė atsakomybė; Notaras; Notarų civilinės atsakomybės draudimas; Notarų civilinės atsakomybės sąlygos; Teismų praktika; Case law; Civil liability; Civil responsibility; Grounds for civil liability of notary; Insurance of civil liability of notary; Notaries; Notary.

ENThe profession or notary public was probably the first state-regulated profession that underwent major changes after the restoration of independence of Lithuania in 1990. After 1992 reform the system of notaries public was transformed from a state institution into a self-employed professional corporation. Not only did this reform lead to a fundamental change in the legal status of the notary public. The ‘privatization’ of the system also led to changes in civil liability for the damage caused by the notary’s public wrongful acts. Prior to the reform, the State was liable for the damage caused by the notary’s public unlawful actions since the notary public enjoyed a status of a public official. The reform led to the personal civil liability of a notary public for the damage caused by his unlawful acts. The reform took place under difficult economic, social and legal conditions: privatization of apartments, other state property, etc. Not surprisingly, under these working conditions, notaries public made mistakes. Therefore, it is no accident that notaries public became one of the first professions to encounter the specifics of applying professional civil liability. Notaries’ public professional civil liability cases have also become a considerable challenge for Lithuanian courts, as there was simply no legal doctrine on professional civil liability in Lithuania at that time. It is not surprising that, in the absence of legal doctrine, errors have been made in the application of civil liability rules to notaries public in case law. The time passed since the notarial reform, the accumulated the role of the notary public in Lithuania and the civil liability of a notary public.The purpose of this collective research is to discuss the specifics of the profession in general and of notary public, the pecularities of notarial professional civil liability, the conditions of civil liability of notaries public, their interpretation and application in case law. The book consists of four chapters. The first chapter analyses the concept of the profession, the distinctive features of the profession, and the peculiarities of the profession of notary public. This chapter also discusses the peculiarities of professional civil liability resulting from the specific features of the profession. The authors also discuss the type of civil liability of a notary public (contractual or tort liability), the possibility of a state civil liability for inappropriate regulation of notaries' public activities. The second chapter provides a short comparative overview of the civil liability of notaries public in foreign countries. The peculiarities of civil liability of notaries public in the countries of the Latin notarial system, common law and mixed notarial system are analysed. The third section analyses in detail the conditions of professional civil liability of notaries public according to the Lithuanian law - wrongfulness, damage, causation and fault. The monograph examines the civil liability of a notary public for damages caused by notarial professional activities in performing notarial acts, i.e. the ex lege functions of a notary public as a person authorised by the Lithuanian State that are aimed at preventing any illegal transactions and documents in civil legal relationships (Article 2 of the Law on the Notarial Profession of the Republic of Lithuania). It does not include an analysis of the civil liability of a notary public for the damages caused by notarial services, such as mediation and arbitration.The co-authors endorse a professional tort-based civil liability of a notary public in performing notarial acts that are both reserved mandatorily or conducted voluntarily (when permitted to be rendered by law). In general, four elements that would give rise to a notary's public tortious liability have to be established, i.e. fault, unlawful conduct, damage and causation. Accordingly, the third section of the monograph starts with the analysis of the unlawful conduct of a notary public. Taking into account both a hybrid nature of the legal status of a notary public and peculiarities of notarial professional activities, the monograph examines a standard of care of a notary public to be applied as a model for comparison in assessing the professional notarial activities. Further, the monograph continues with the analysis of the key professional duties of a notary public, with the emphasis on two essential professional statutory duties - duty to verify the identity of the parties to the notarial act and the duty to impartially advice the parties about the legal situation and the legal condequences of the notarial act. The monograph considerers a link between the civil proceedings for the invalidation of the transaction attested by the notary public or the dispute over the notarial profesional activities, from one side, and the civil proceedings on the damage claim against a notary public, from anoter side. In addition, a vicariuos professional liability of a notary public for the unlawful conduct of the agent who substitutes a notary public is examined. [...]. [From the publication]

2020-10-13 18:54:10
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