"Atviros visuomenės" spąstai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
"Atviros visuomenės" spąstai
Alternative Title:
"Open society" trap
In the Journal:
Athena. 2008, Nr. 4, p. 158-173
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Atviroji visuomenė; Atviros visuomenės sukčiavimas; Diskriminacija; Egalitarizmas; Liberalus nediskriminavimas; Marginalizacija; Marksizmas; Moralinis ir kultūrinis reliatyvizmas; Reliatyvizmas; Smithas, Adamas; Discrimination; Egalitarianism; Liberal non-discrimination; Marginalization; Marxism; Moral and cultural relativism; Open society; Open society fraud; Relativism; Smith, Adam.

ENContemporary liberal egalitarianism is intent on carrying out a cultural and moral inversion of the social order, an effort not unlike the revolution that Marxism hoped to accomplish in the sphere of economic relations. Indeed, with the failure of economic equalization the egalitarian zeal has largely moved to other spheres of life, so that now Western societies are facing a massive political endeavor on the part of their liberal elites at implementing the equality of races, sexes, sexual orientations, life styles, cultures and religions. The cult of the marginalized Other reigns supreme. The cult requires Western societies to assume the guilt for the marginalization and to bend over backwards towards the Other. The cult is behind what is widely accepted as laudable progress towards an open society. The highest virtue under this dispensation is that of non-discrimination and inclusion, while the lowliest vice is discrimination and exclusion. The liberal fight against discrimination requires demoting anything peculiar to Western civilization and promoting anything alien to it. The implementation of the ideally open society can only culminate in the suicide of the West. [From the publication]

1822-5047; 2538-7294
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