Svetimo ir nesuvokiamo Heladės pasaulio paradoksai: senovės graikai kaip Kitas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Svetimo ir nesuvokiamo Heladės pasaulio paradoksai: senovės graikai kaip Kitas
Alternative Title:
Paradoxes of strange and inscrutable world of Hellas: ancient Greeks as the Other
In the Journal:
Athena. 2008, Nr. 4, p. 11-21
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Antikinė graikų filosofija; Antikinė graikų literatūra; Aristotelis; Graikų stebuklas; Herakleitas (Heraklitas; Heraclitus); Hesiodas; Homeras; Herakleitas (Heraklitas; Heraclitus); Kitas; Platonas; Senovės graikų filosofija; Senovės graikų literatūra; Senovės graikų religija; Sokratas; Ancient Greek literature; Ancient Greek philosophy; Ancient Greek religion; Aristotle; Greek miracle; Heraclitus; Hesiod; Homer; Plato; Socrates; The Other.

ENThe author of the article argues that we should start to think of Greece and ancient Greeks not in terms of the Same, but, instead, in terms of the Other. The stereotypes about the world of Hellas are brought to the fore and criticized. The inherently paradoxical, even inscrutable nature of all cultural phenomena of ancient Greece is shown. It is stressed that almost all generalizations about classical Greek antiquity cut both ways. Almost all interpretations are wrong by definition or at best one-sided. The surface of Greek cultural phenomena seems to be very familiar and easily recognizable, yet it creates a fatal illusion that the essence of Hellas and, so to speak, the deep structure of classical Greek antiquity is also well known, even trivial. The conclusion is drawn that, in order to sharpen our insight and prevent banal thinking, we should agree that the only methodologically correct position is to treat the Greeks of classical antiquity as the Other. [From the publication]

1822-5047; 2538-7294
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