LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Kelių kriterijų vertinimas; Konkurencinis pranašumas; MVĮ; SAW (Paprastas priedų svorio) metodas; SAW metodas; Vertinimo modeliai; Įvertinimas remiantis įvairialypiais kriterijais; Įvertinimo modeliai; Competitive advantage; Evaluation models; Multiple criteria evaluation; SAW (Simple Additive Weeighting) method; SAW method; SMEs.
ENThe paper deals with a complex quantitative evaluation of SMEs’ competitive advantage on the basis of a multiple criteria evaluation technique. Creation of a system of primary evaluation criteria having different significance is emphasized; the proposed set of criteria encompasses the financial indices of performance effectiveness as well as the composite indicators of efficiency of human and material resource management. The general index reflecting the relative competitive advantage of SME must be determined when applying presented evaluation models on the basis of the SAW method. The suggested technique has been applied to a Lithuanian logistics enterprise. The offered system can be used in developing a complex model for the evaluation of the financial status of small enterprises. [From the publication]