Mažosios Lietuvos kultūros istorijos paveldas: vertės ir interesų sankirtos požiūriu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mažosios Lietuvos kultūros istorijos paveldas: vertės ir interesų sankirtos požiūriu
Alternative Title:
Cultural heritage of Lithuania Minor: the urgency for its preservation
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2004.
75 p
Pratarmė — Paveldas: sąvoka ir įvardijimas — Muziejai — Etnografinės sodybos muziejai — Mokyklų muziejėliai — Dvi muziejinės užduotys — Archyvai ir archyvalijos — Bibliotekų vaidmuo — Senieji spaudiniai — Kapinės - archyvai ir muziejai po atviru dangumi — Vardų ir vietų atminimo įprasminimas — Paveldo sąvadas — Interneto galimybės — Paveldas ir pilietinė savimonė — Pabaigos mintys — The Cultural Heritage of Lithuania Minor: The urgency for its preservation — Nuorodos.
Summary / Abstract:

LTAntrasis pasaulinis karas Mažąją Lietuvą sunaikino kaip Europos etninį regioną. Jo kultūros paveldas yra išsklaidytas keliose valstybėse, todėl vis labiau praranda tapatumą. Dėl jo išlikimo atsakomybė tenka dabartiniams kultūros vertybių laikytojams. Knygoje aptariamos paveldo apsaugos institucijos ir jų funkcijos, svarbiausi objektai, siūlomi problemų sprendimai. Mažosios Lietuvos kultūros paveldas turėtų būti plačiau naudojamas pilietinės savimonės ugdymui ir švietimo programų aktualinimui. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos istorija; Mažoji Lietuva; Paveldas; Kultūros istorija; Mokslo tyrimai; The Lithuanian history; Lithuania Minor; Heritage; Culture history; Science research.

ENLithuania Minor is the ethnically Western Lithuanian area near the Baltic Sea. The territory had never been politically autonomous having been ruled for several centuries by Prussia and from 1871 until 1945 by Germany. Thus it has been defined by historical and scholarly sources only in terms of geography, ethnic makeup and political jurisdiction. After World War II erased Lithuania Minor from the map of the world, the geopolitical interests of the conquerors and the re-established large states countries have promoted the neglect of the national and political interests and the destiny of Lithuanians in this area. This provided a pretext for historiographers of interested countries, especially of Russia, Poland and Germany, to question even the legitimacy of the study of this culture, dooming the universal spread of the cultural history of Lithuanians of Lithuania Minor and predetermining the dissociation of Lithuania Minor from its national identity. By appropriating the heritage of Lithuania Minor and especially that of its ethnic communities, foreign scholars purposefully attempt to justify the myth of their country’s own claim to this heritage. Irreconcilable foreign interests hinder not only the development but also the implementation of an acceptable universal concept of preservation of the heritage of Lithuanian cultural history. Especially different are the positions of the occupant of the area since 1945 - first the Soviet Union and, now, the Russian Federation - who has failed to establish economic or spiritual stability in this enclave, and of the Lithuanian Republic, the legitimate successor to the spiritual culture of Lithuania Minor.The erstwhile link between the cultures of the parts of one nation divided by state boundaries empowers present-day Lithuanian historiography to develop and implement a model, consistent with national interests, for the identification, recognition and continuation of the cultural heritage of Lithuania Minor. This model must disclose the national self-awareness and world-view of its creators, present the national community as a whole as well as its individuals, to record, protect and, according to the needs and objectives of the time, to implement spiritual and material values. [From the publication]

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