LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Agrarinės reformos; Gyvenviečių struktūra; Kaimai; Kaimiškumas; Kaimo gyvenviečių sistema; Kaimo vietovės; Lietuvos kaimas; Lietuvos kaimiškos vietovės; Nepriklausoma Lietuva; Agricultural reforms; Countryside; Independent Lithuania; Lithuanian countryside; Lithuanian rural settlement; Rural areas; Rural settlement system; Rurality; Village structure; Villages.
ENWhen we talk about the countryside and rural space it is worth to remember that from the social-geographic point of view they change steadily due to new reasons. At first, countryside is constantly developing and obtain new functions, Second, definition and conception of the rurality depends on the aims of research and viewpoint of investigators attitude. Beside it, the rural settlement network can be characterized as a stable object for long historical periods. At the same development of the countryside has specific features due to different economic, political and social factors. It is significant that countryside and rural population of the Lithuania have different experience when comparing it with the nations of the West Europe. It was determined by many reasons, mostly political events related with others factors. [...]. [From the publication]