The Relationship between people’s environmental considerations and pro-environmental behavior in Lithuania

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
The Relationship between people’s environmental considerations and pro-environmental behavior in Lithuania
In the Journal:
Frontiers in psychology. 2019, 10, pdf (10 p.)
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Aplinkai draugiškas elgesys; Aplinkosaugai palankus elgesys; Aplinkosauginis mąstymas; Aplinkosauginis savęs tapatinimas; Aplinkosaugos aspektai; Biosferinės vertybės; Educated; Industrialized; Ne WEIRD (Western; Ne WEIRD šalis; Rich and Democratic ) šalis; Tapatumas aplinkai; Vertybiniai biosferos aspektai; Biospheric values; Environmental considerations; Environmental self-identity; Non-WEIRD country; Pro-environmental behavior.

ENGiven the need for global action on climate change, it is crucial to comprehend which factors motivate people in different countries to act more pro-environmentally. Lithuania is a post-socialist country that has recently increased commitment to foster pro-environmental behavior of individuals, by implementing interventions that target mainly the personal costs and benefits of relevant behaviors. Yet, research suggests that people’s general environmental considerations, namely biospheric values and environmental self-identity, can drive people’ pro-environmental behavior and may be important targets for interventions. These studies, however, have been mostly conducted in Western Europe and the United States, with limited evidence of relationship between people’s biospheric values, environmental self-identity and proenvironmental behaviors across different countries and cultures. We performed a correlational study with a convenience sample in Lithuania (n = 334). Consistent with previous studies and the theory, our study revealed that people’s general environmental considerations were positively related with recycling and environmental activism, but not with fuel-efficient driving and the use of sustainable transportation in Lithuania. We conclude that general environmental considerations are related to pro-environmental behaviors beyond Western Europe and the United States. Yet, future studies need to examine the boundary conditions of this relationship and test whether interventions targeting environmental consideration can be effective to promote pro-environmental behavior. [From the publication]

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