Iš Prahos į Vilnių: dviejų inkunabulų keliu

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Iš Prahos į Vilnių: dviejų inkunabulų keliu
Alternative Title:
From Prague to Vilnius: tracing the road of two incunabula
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamas vertingas radinys – Memorialiniame akademikui Konstantinui Jablonskiui priklausiusių knygų fonde atpažinti du XV a. Prahoje čekų kalba išleisti inkunabulai: [Artikule sněmovní z roku 1497]1 ir Zřízení zemské Vladislavské, 15002. Aiškinamasi, kam jie priklausė, kaip galėjo taip ilgai būti nepastebėti, daroma išvada, kad surastas paskutinį kartą 1820 metais matytas ir čekų knygotyrininkų laikytas dingusiu 1497 m. inkunabulas Artikule sněmovní z roku 1497. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Inkunabulai; Konstantinas Jablonskis; Konvoliutas; Praha; Zitschy von Znoriza; Composite book; Incunabula; Konstantinas Jablonskis; Prague; Zitschy von Znoriza.

ENThe article describes how a composite book containing two so far undetected incunabula, [Artikule sněmovni z roku 1497] and Zřízení zemské Vladislavské (1500), was identified in Prof. Konstantinas Jablonskisʼ (1892– 1960) Memorial Book Collection, currently in the final stages of processing in the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. The incunabula were identified as legal documents of the Bohemian Diet. Based on historiographical sources, the article traces the way by which this composite set came to the Library and discusses who had been or could have been the former owners of the book. The discovery of the incunabulum [Artikule sněmovni z roku 1497] is of particular importance, as this book was thought to be lost since 1820, and its other copies are unknown. It is emphasized that the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences is the only library in Lithuania, which has in its holdings three Czech-language incunabula: Biblia Bohemica (1488), [Artikule sněmovni z roku 1497] and Zřízení zemské Vladislavské (1500). [From the publication]

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