LTKnyga sudaryta iš trijų dalių. Pirmojoje publikuojami pagal Panevėžio kraštotyros muziejuje 2017 m. spalio 18 d. vykusios konferencijos "Iš Panevėžio praeities: Lietuvos nepriklausomybės kūrėjai ir puoselėtojai" pranešimus parengti straipsniai. Antroje dalyje skelbiamos žymiausių Nepriklausomybės kovų dalyvių biografijos, pateikiami straipsniai apie savanorius vienijusios organizacijos - Lietuvos kariuomenės kūrėjų savanorių sąjungos Panevėžio skyrių, savanorių atminimo jamžinimą. Trečiojoje dalyje publikuojamos Nepriklausomybės kovų dalyvių, apie kuriuos nepavyko surinkti biografinių duomenų, fotografijos ir dokumentai. Taip pat 4-ojo pėstininkų Lietuvos karaliaus Mindaugo pulko veiklą atspindinčios nuotraukos (dalis Panevėžio krašto savanorių liko tarnauti šiame Panevėžyje dislokuotame pulke). [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: 20 amžius; Panevėžys; Karai; Kariuomenė; Biografijos; Straipsniai; The Lithuanian XX c. history; Panevėžys; Wars; Military; Biografies; Articles.
ENWe present a brief overview of 14 short articles about famous volunteers of Panevėžys area. A lot of prominent volunteers took part in the Independence battles of Panevėžys region. The articles are dedicated to their memory. Unfortunately, we succeeded in preparing short articles for a very small number of participants of the Independence battles. These articles are devoted to the following famous figures: Jurgis Kiaunė - the first wounded volunteer in Lithuania’s Independence battles, Antanas Sereika - the first war disabled person, injured in the Independence battles, three brothers Boleslovas, Vladas- and Stasys Balčai - the famous volunteers. When the military actions finished a large number of volunteers returned to their native places. Afterwards some of them, e. g. Jonas Karutis, Stasys Banelis, actively participated in political activities. One of the volunteers Kazys Taruša was actively involved in military confrontations up to 1923. The attention is also paid to the Cavalier of Two Crosses for the Homeland Aleksandras Jeremičius. The Panevėžys Battalion Chaplain was Vladislovas Butvilą for several months, so his activity is also overviewed. One of the volunteers Benjaminas Jakševičius participated in the post-war partisan struggle. The volunteer Petras Tarutis became one of the most famous circus artists. At the end of the Independence struggles there was formed the Panevėžys Division of the Lithuanian Army Founders Volunteers' Union. The Panevėžys Division activity is overviewed briefly. The volunteer Viktoras Čaplikas was active on the 11th March, 1990 and he actively participated in the political activity of this period, so the focus is on him as well. The memorials created for the memory of the volunteers' battles also are presented here. [From the publication]