Balio Sruogos publicistika „Lietuvos“ dienraštyje 1919–1924 m.

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Balio Sruogos publicistika „Lietuvos“ dienraštyje 1919–1924 m
Alternative Title:
Balys Sruoga's journalistic writings in the daily "Lietuva", 1919–1924
In the Journal:
Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos metraštis [LKMA metraštis]. 2019, t. 42, p. 309-323
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Balys Sruoga; Publicistika; „Lietuva“; 1919-1924 m.; Balys Sruoga; Publicistic texts; "Lietuva"; 1919-1924.

ENJournalistic writings of Balys Sruoga (1896–1947) are the least examined part of his creative legacy. Most of his journalistic articles are still scattered across the periodical of the first half of the twentieth century; they are signed by different pseudonyms and possibly not all of them have been revealed or misattributed. The paper gives an overview of Sruoga's articles in the daily "Lietuva" published within the period of five years (1919–1924) when he lived in Kaunas, and from 1921 when he was studying at the University of Munich, Germany. This period coincides with the first five years of the existence of the daily and with the beginning of the developmnet of Lithuanian journalistic writing. The articles selected for analysis reveal the topicalities of theestablishment of the young independent state, the interaction between culture and society, the shortcomings and objectives of the period's journalism, and the political situation in the neighbouring countries. They also enable grasping the emerging genres and stylistics of journalistic writing. The conclusion drawn is that Sruoga's articles represent the qualities of different journaluistic genres: the editorial, analytical, and artistic journalist writing. The features that connect them are informativeness, persuasion, and a broad diversity of expressive forms, from thesis and analysis to the use of rhetoric figures and poetic inserts. Assessment of facts, events, and cultural manifestations are palpable in Sruoga's journalistic writing: it suggestively reflects issues that are relevant to society. Looking from the present perspective, Sruoga's journalistic writings are significant in various aspects, especially in genre development and cultural history. [From the publication]

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2020-03-21 19:03:01
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