LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Ikimokyklinis amžius; Ikimokyklonis amžius; Longitiudinis tyrimas; Mokymosi motyvacija; Motyvai lankyti mokyklą; Priešmokyklinis amžius; Regos negale pasižymintys vaikai; Silpnaregiai vaikai; Vaikai su sutrikusia rega; Longitudinal study; Motives to attend school; Pre-school age; Visually impaired children.
ENTraditionally, school maturity and motivation for learning in pre-school education institutions are surveyed when six to seven-year-old children graduate form pre-school educational institutions. Having assessed pupil’s negative motivation to attend school or a low level of school maturity, it is impossible to correct this. Aiming to improve such a situation, since 2005 we started surveying Šiauliai Petras Avižonis Visual Centre's pre-school age children's motivation to attend school and school maturity twice a year (the first survey was carried out in September, the other in May). On the ground of the results of the first survey, a psychologist of the institution draws recommendations for each child's parents and group pedagogues. Longitudinal research data throughout 2003-2014 carried out at Šiauliai Petras Avižonis Visual Centre involving 212 pre-school 6-7-year-old children's motives for school attendance proved significance of pre-school education institutions in preparing visually impaired children for school. It was found out that having surveyed pre-school groups' children's motives to learn at school twice a year, i.e. in September and May, as well as having prepared and used recommendations for pedagogues and parents drawn by a psychologist, pupils' motives to attend school became more positive. The research proves the necessity of a psychologist to work in educational institutions for pre-school age children. [From the publication]