Bibliotekininkystės mokslinių tyrimų raida Lietuvoje 1990-2014 metais

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bibliotekininkystės mokslinių tyrimų raida Lietuvoje 1990-2014 metais
Alternative Title:
Development of library science in Lithuania in 1990-2014
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka, 2017.
1 pdf failas (368 p.)
Santrumpos — Įvadas — I. Bibliotekininkystės mokslo raida 1990-2004 metais — II. Bibliotekininkystės mokslas 2005-2014 metais — Išvados — Summary — Literatūra ir šaltiniai.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠi studija - tai mėginimas apibūdinti bibliotekininkystės mokslinius tyrimus, atliktus Lietuvoje po nepriklausomybės atkūrimo, 1990-2014 metais. Atkūrus Lietuvos nepriklausomybę prasidėjo naujas bibliotekininkystės mokslo raidos etapas - nebereikėjo vadovautis "vienintele teisinga ideologija", atsirado sąlygos objektyviai tyrinėti bibliotekininkystės teoriją ir praktiką. Šiame darbe siekiama atskleisti pagrindines bibliotekininkystės mokslo tendencijas, apibendrinti svarbiausius pasiekimus, spręstinas problemas, numatyti jo tolesnės raidos gaires. Pasirinkta tema neabejotinai aktuali. Mokslas laikytinas brandžiu, kai pats save vertina. Norėdami atskleisti jo potencialą, turime apibendrinti nuveiktus darbus. Bibliotekininkystės mokslas sparčiai kinta, jo raida Lietuvoje - tai objekto, paradigmų, metodologinių prieigų, koncepcijų, tematikos, problematikos kaita. Moksliniai tyrimai buvo plėtojami įvairiomis kryptimis - nagrinėjamos aktualios bibliotekininkystės teorijos, metodologijos, istorijos, bibliotekų veiklos praktinės problemos. [...]. [Iš Įvado]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bibliotekininkystė; Mokslo istorija; Lietuvos istorija; Bibliografija; The Librarianship; History of science; The Lithuanian history; Bibliography.

ENThe study attempts to generalize the library science research done in Lithuania after the restoration of Lithuania's independence, namely in 1990-2014. The restoration of state independence set the foundation for a new stage in the development of library science, when there was no longer any obligation to follow "the only politically correct ideology", and favoured conditions for objectively investigating the theory and practice of library science. The study has the purpose to show the main tendencies in library science, generalize its key achievements and problems, and forecast its development directions. The development of library science in Lithuania presents itself as a gradual shift of the object, paradigms, methodological approaches, subject matter and problematic issues. The research evolved in various directions, investigating urgent issues of the theory, methodology, history and practical activity of libraries. The study draws on scientific literature: monographs, thesis abstracts, study material, reports of sociological research, research articles, conference reports, reviews and other publications. Research works are classified mainly following the thematic principle as well as paradigmatic, methodological and institutional aspects. It must be noted that the research is carried out not only by professionals of the library and book sciences and bibliographers, but also historians, philologists, educologists and representatives of other research fields. One of the essential indicators is the number of the defended theses: there are twenty-four of such theses. Library science as a research object is analyzed in nineteen theses: one investigates it from the aspect of information science engineering and the remaining, in the wider context of book science research.Thirty-seven monographs, studies, research digests and other extensive publications on the history of Lithuanian libraries have been issued (twelve of them prepared by library staff members). Twelve catalogues of rare and older publications and manuscripts have appeared. Several publications contain sociological library research. Library science is the object of about six hundred and fifty research articles; reports at conferences, congresses and seminars; and reviews. The progress of library science was not even. After the restoration of Lithuania's independence, library science experienced a conceptual crisis. Of particular importance for overcoming this crisis were works which, in alignment with new facts, set the foundation for library science and attempted to establish a paradigmatic approach to it. Since the mid-nineties of the previous century, the number of publications has been increasing. There was rather a long period of time when no theses were being defended; this process renewed with the start of the twentieth century. The development of library science is analyzed in line with the main research trends: theoretical librarianship, separate (partial) areas of library science, the academic library, rare publications and manuscripts, library science at the international level and in foreign countries, the history of libraries, methods of applied sociology in library science, library management, digitization of the cultural heritage and management of the digital content, and reading. The author characterizes achievements in every field, clarifies subjects that have been insufficiently addressed and presents recommendations for further research. The study observes that library science has been enriched by new themes, conceptions, ideas, significant generalizations and conclusions. The library science research was gradually embracing new methodological tools and research methods.The research was based not only on traditional theoretical and empirical methods but also modern methodologies and contemporary research frameworks. The most active in finding new methodological solutions have been thesis authors. Numerous publications substantiated the role of libraries and shift of functions in the information / knowledge society, the interdisciplinary nature of libraries and transformative aspects of library science in the age late modern age. With library activities becoming more complicated, a need for innovative methodological solutions arose. However, during the recent decade, there were fewer studies analyzing methodological issues of library science. During the recent five years, the number of monographs and studies decreased, and in the monographs that were published, the library science issues were analyzed in light of the development of book science. The number of theses was also decreasing. In summing-up the scientific research, it must be noted that over the previous twenty-five years, significant results were achieved in library science research. The researchers carried out comprehensive analysis of the development of library science, described the complicated history of Lithuanian libraries during various time periods, revealed the basic transformative aspects of library science in the information / knowledge society and new roles of librarians. They also observed that the state information and cultural policy does not sufficiently incorporate the potential of libraries. [From the publication]

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