Tyrinėjimai, eksperimentai, atradimai kaip ugdymo

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tyrinėjimai, eksperimentai, atradimai kaip ugdymo/-si metodas priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų pažintinei kompetencijai ugdyti/-s
Summary / Abstract:

LTVienas iš svarbiausių pažintinės vaiko brandos bruožų yra pažinimo aktyvumas. Tyrinėjimai, eksperimentavimai, atradimai yra naujos patirties kaupimas, kuris labai svarbus priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikui, siekiant atskleisti ir ugdyti priešmokyklinuko pažinimo gebėjimus, plėtoti mąstymo įgūdžius, o tuo pačiu parengti būsimai mokymosi mokykloje veiklai bei nuolatinei šios veiklos kaitai. Tyrimu siekta išsiaiškinti priešmokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų ir tėvų požiūrį į vaiko pažintinės kompetencijos ugdymą/-si tyrinėjimais, eksperimentais, atradimais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Atradimai; Eksperimentai; Mokymasis per atradimus; Mokytojai; Pažintinė komptencija; Pažintinė vaiko branda; Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikai; Priešmokyklinis amžius; Tyrinėjimai; Tėvai; Vaiko aktyvumas; Vaikų pažintinė kompetencija; Vaikų pažintinės kompetencijos ugdymas; Child's activity; Children's cognitive competence; Cognitive competence; Cognitive maturity of the child; Development of children's cognitive competence; Discoveries; Discovery learning; Experiments; Parents; Pre-school age children; Preschool age; Preschool children; Research; Teachers.

ENEducation / learning based on exploration, experiments and discoveries is a child’s activity which has impact on the development of a child’s cognitive competence. Exploration, discoveries and experiments foster a child to accumulate experience, to discuss, focus, think critically, solve problems, memorize and understand. The aim of the work - to analyze a preschool teachers and parents approach towards the exploration, experiments and discoveries as education / learning method for a pre-school age child’s cognitive competence education /learning. Objectives of the work: 1. Theoretically ground the use and importance of exploration, experiments and discoveries for the development of pre-school age children‘s cognitive competence. 2. Carry out empirical study on preschool teachers and parents approach towards the exploration, experiments and discoveries as education/learning method for a pre-school age child’s cognitive competence education/learning. Present results of a research. Methods: analysis of scientific literature, survey (in writing) and structured interview for teachers. Education/learning based on exploration, experiments and discoveries fosters a comprehensive development of a child; ability to cooperate, to concentrate, children become more attentive and more inventive, more active, more organized, vocabulary becomes wider; the stage of knowledge is growing and expanding; the latter supports intellectual growth and has a significant impact on children’s conceptual learning.The results of the study revealed that teachers are well aware of techniques that promote a child’s activity and experience, but in practice they apply only part of them. Most of the teachers focus only on the "usual" natural experiments. Limited areas and topics of experiments have primary influence on materials that are used - they are also limited. Teachers’ knowledge about the benefit of experiments and researches for a child is minimal. Parents support that children knowledge depends on education/learning techniques. Also understand the importance of materials and allowing children to explore, experiment at home contributes to the cognitive competence development. Parents more than teachers tend to develop children’s experiments, allow children to act spontaneously. [From the publication]

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