Visas Čiurlionis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Visas Čiurlionis
Alternative Title:
Complete Čiurlionis
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Versus aureus, 2008.
647 p
Bibliografija išnašose ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Maloniajam skaitytojui — Gyvenimas: įvykiai, įspūdžiai: Muziko duona ; Čiurlionis koncertuoja ; Liaudies dainų užrašinėjimas ; Šiek tiek fotografijos ; Parodos (1904-1911) — Dailės kūryba: Ankstyvieji paveikslai ir ciklai ; Pasaulio sutvėrimas ; Gamtos temos ; Grafika, piešiniai, projektai ; Zodiakas ; Pirmosios sonatos ; Preliudai ir fugos ; Sonatų branda. Kosminės temos kulminacija ; Pilys ir miestai. Pasakų harmonija ; Iš gamtos ; Simbolika ir semantika ; Dvasia — Muzikos kūryba: Simfoninė muzika ; Kūriniai fortepijonui: Žanrai ir formos ; Braižo raida ; Vertybių reikšmė ; Chorai; Antriniai žanrai ; Stiliaus dalykai: Melodika, dermė ir harmonija. Forma ; Ritmai ir linijos ; Energetika ir žodynas ; Iš romantinės į naująją muziką ; Apie garsų simboliką — Literatūros kūryba: Rudens sonata — Vienas menas — M. K. Čiurlionio gyvenimo ir kūrybos datos — Complete Čiurlionis — Knygoje vartojamos santrumpos — Iliustracijų sąrašas — Asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTVytauto Landsbergio monografija apima bent dvi - tris monografijas, ir dar atskiras studijas - apybraižas. Tai muzikologo ir kultūros istoriko kelių dešimtmečių tyrinėjimai gilinantis į M. K. Čiurlionio gyvenimą bei jo muzikos, dailės ir literatūros darbus šių kilmės, turinio ir prasmės požiūriais. Aptarta Čiurlionio publicistika, paliestas net jo fotografijos pomėgis. Nepaprasto kūrėjo gyvenimas aprašytas remiantis gausia, kaip niekur kitur, dokumentine bei amžininkų atsiminimų medžiaga, kurią maždaug nuo 1960-ųjų nuosekliai rinko ir kaupė knygos autorius. Kūrybos analizę įrėmina to meto visuomeninis estetinis fonas, f meną einama ir vėlesnių laikų moderniųjų krypčių aspektais, ir paties tyrinėtojo siūlomomis įžvalgomis. Čiurlionio tapyboje atskleidžiami ir tie ypatingi aspektai, kuriems reikėjo muzikos meno išmanymo; Čiurlionio muzikos analizei V. Landsbergis nevengia pasitelkti ir savo atlikėjiškų bei teorinių interpretacijų.Taip visuomenei dabar teikiamas Vytauto Landsbergio viso gyvenimo darbas, skirtas M. K. Čiurlioniui, - iš tikrųjų, daug jo šios temos darbų, nūnai sutelktų ir naujai peržiūrėtų rengiant visumos knygą. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dailė; Dailės studijos; Estetinės pažiūros; Kūryba; Liaudies dainos; Literatūra; Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis; Menininko biografija; Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis; Muzika; Muzikos stilius; Muzikos studijos; Pasaulėžiūra; Simfoninė muzika; Sonatos; Tapybos temos; Aesthetic views; Art studies; Biography of the artist; Creation; Fine arts; Folk song; Literature; M. K. Čiurlionis; Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis; Music; Music studies; Music style; Painting themes; Sonatas; Symphonic music; Worldview.

ENMikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875-1911), at the outset of the last century, in the period of the New Age and The Young Style promising the further turning-points in the European creative work, appeared as an extraordinary, undetected star. His peculiarity did not mean the world glory or even the widely recognized phenomenon, as Čiurlionis is still being discovered. Čiurlionis, especially his painting, still exists in the future. However, with the increase of the conception that it is not the past, a need of historical cognition is also strengthening. Quite a lot of authorities admit already that our knowledge of evolution of the 20th century art and laboratories of ideas arising in different European regions without Čiurlionis would be painfully incomplete. But there again, he was and still remains lonely as his "Sonata of Stars" ("Žvaigždžių sonata") exhibited in the exhibition in Quirinalo Palace, dedicated to the Rome Treaty 50th anniversary. A small spiritual dyptich of cosmic music, painted in tempera, struck as absolutely different one among all works from 27 countries and of no less visionary value than the impressive "The Thinker" by Auguste Rodin. M.K. Čiurlionis was a greatly gifted creator of visual and auditory art, aware of a deep unity of both expressions. Vivid soul and expressive style were also alive in his literary works, though the major part of that, unpublished due to different reasons, has perished. Simply speaking, M.K. Čiurlionis is a great artist of painting and music in one person. Certainly, he was also a writer, thinker, publicist, a very sensitive all-loving man and a public person - Lithuanian public character. This book covers his complete picture, and this is reflected by the title itself. [...].In 1907, together with others Čiurlionis established the Lithuanian art society and was elected its vice-chairman. Čiurlionis participated in art exhibitions in Warsaw, Vilnius, Petersburg, Moscow, even Paris (1910). He was recognized among modern Russian artists, participated in their exhibitions, he also became a member of the "Art World" society. He lived rather poorly, making his living by music, occasionally by selling some paintings. The invitation to participate in V. Kadinskis’ "The New Association of Artists" came too late, when Čiurlionis was seriously ill, and in spring of 1911 he died. [...] This book consists of several parts, the first of which is a biographical study, with a survey of formation of an artist’s mindset. Another parts cover a study on his art work, then on musical creative heritage (and several essays on other music-related activity fields), a study on development of conceptions and genres of art, special sections on literary and publicistic works, also his interests in photography. At the same time links among separate fields of Čiurlionis creative works are noted and analyzed.He was convinced that the art creation is single. His personal experience had only to prove that a personality creating in several fields is the only one individuality, - the undivided world, comprehended and expressed by that personality. "My world", wrote Čiurlionis to his brother about his cycle of paintings "The Creation of the World", but this also applies to his whole creation - art, music, literature. As he once explained to his wife, music has its own architecture that could be used in paintings, and dance is a sculpture that gained freedom through music (he has seen Isadora Duncan dancing); and a word is a concept that generates paintings. And in poetry, as he confessed to his wife, the word has to become music.Sometimes this kind of universalism manifested itself by innovatory and quite original concepts, with nobody to follow or further develop, especially in this European region. His cycles of paintings, mentioned here, are called sonatas or preludes-fugues (1907-1909), in which the artist used analogies of musical forms and polyphonic evolution of thoughts to convey distinctive existential symbolism. In music, especially in works for piano, he elaborated a quite different structural polyphonic symbolism, full of expression; he also created preludes and very original variations, where he used the 6-7 or 9-tone technique, almost 20 years ahead of the discoverer of the twelve-tone technique A. Schoenberg; one of his cycles of musical works was defried "landscapes". One of his poetic works is written in a perfect form of sonata. For a long time all this remained only in manuscripts, it took even two world wars. The wars passed, and creative works by Čiurlionis, if only physically not destroyed, remained, gaining ever broader publicity. The book "Complete Čiurlionis" is based on two earlier monographs by the same author "Art by Čiurlionis" and "Music by Čiurlionis", other studies and essays. The monograph "Music by Čiurlionis" (1986) was supplemented by a catalogue of all Čiurlionis' musical works with sources and other references, and the first monograph "Art by Čiurlionis" (1976) was provided with chronological tables of all exhibitions, in which the artist s works were exhibited in the period 1904-1916. Now these special appendixes are not added, only refered. The author has also published a more concise book on M. K. Čiurlionis and his many-sided creation in English "M. K. Čiurlionis, Time and Content", Vilnius, 1992. At that time Lithuania just two years before had declared and defended the restored independence. [From the publication]

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