Rietavas. Bažnyčios istorija XVI-XIX a.

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Rietavas. Bažnyčios istorija XVI-XIX a
Alternative Title:
Rietavas: church history of the 16th-19th centuries
Summary / Abstract:

LTMenkai žinoma XVI-XVIII a. Rietavo bažnyčios istorija, kiek plačiau tyrinėtos XIX a. statybų peripetijos. Straipsnyje apibūdinami pagrindiniai bažnyčios pasikeitimai nuo pirmosios XVI a. statytos bažnyčios iki dabartinės mūrinės neoromaninio stiliaus, statytos XIX a. 3-ame ketvirtyje. Labai tikėtina, kad jau XVI a. I-oje pusėje Rietavo buvo įrengta ir pirmoji katalikų bažnyčia. Katalikų bažnyčia nustojo veikti tarp 1551-1587 m., arčiau pirmosios datos. 1596 m. paskyrus fundaciją bažnyčia Leono Sapiegos iniciatyva pastatyta nauja. Ar buvo bažnyčia perstatyta XVII a. – nėra žinoma. 1721 m. senoji Leono Sapiegos statyta bažnyčia buvo perstatyta klebono Antano Bialozoro rūpesčiu. 1783 metais minimi 7 bažnyčios altorių titulai nesiketė iki XIX a. vidurio. Daugiausiai pasikeitimų įvyko XIX a. viduryje, klebonaujant Mykolui Herubavičiui (Herubowicz). Motyvuojant dideliu tikinčiųjų skaičiumi, 1846 m. pradžioje pateiktas prašymas statyti naujai mūrinei bažnyčiai, kuris ir buvo gautas. 1853 m. pradėtos naujos bažnyčios statybos, kurios baigtos 1859 m., nors vidaus įrengimo darbai užtruko ilgiau. Kalbant apie XVII – XVIII a. Rietavo bažnyčią reikia nepamiršti Veiviržėnų bažnyčios, kuri iki 1795 m. išbuvo Rietavo filija. 1639 m. čia statyta koplyčia, 1676 m. perstayta į bažnyčią. Nauja medinė bažnyčia pastatyta 1769 m., 1795 m. prie jos įkurta parapija. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Rietavo bažnyčios istorija; Zigmanto Vazos fundacija; Altoriai; History of Rietavas' church; Foundation of Zigmunt Waza; Leonas Sapiega; Altars.

ENHistorians know little about the history of the church of Rietavas in the period between the 16th and 18th centuries, whereas the aspects of the construction processes in the 19th centuries have been somewhat more explored. The article defines the main changes in the construction of the church from the early 16th century church to the modern neo-romantic masonry church, which was built in the third quarter of the 19th century. Scientists claim that the first catholic church was most probably built in Rietavas as far back as the early 16th century. The Catholic church suspended its activities between 1551 and 1587, the first date being the most probable. In 1596, after having established a special foundation, Leonas Sapiega initiated the construction of a new church. It is not known whether the church was built in the 17th century. In 1721, a priest Antanas Bialozoras initiated the reconstruction of the old church built by Leonas Sapiega. 7 church altar titles, which were first mentioned in 1783, did not change until mid-19th century. The majority of changes took place in the mid-19th century under the curacy of Mikolaj Herubowicz. In 1846, he submitted an application for a construction of a new masonry church, motivating his decision by an increasingly growing number of parishioners. He was allowed to launch the construction. In 1853, the construction of a new church was launched, and lasted until 1859. The inner decoration works lasted a bit further. As far as the church of Rietavas of the 17th – 18th century is concerned, one cannot forget the church of Veiviržėnai, which was part of the church of Rietavas until 1795. In 1639, a chapel was built here, and in 1676, it was reconstructed into a church. In 1769, a new wooden church was built here, and in 1795, a parish was established next to it.

2020-09-14 15:36:23
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