Būsimųjų pradinių klasių mokytojų nuostatos tautinių vertybių atžvilgiu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Būsimųjų pradinių klasių mokytojų nuostatos tautinių vertybių atžvilgiu
Alternative Title:
Future primary school teacher's attitude towards national values
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje siekiama atsakyti į klausimus: ar svarbi studentams jų tautybė? ar svarbi jiems jų gyvenamoji vieta? kokias vertybes pripažįsta? kokios jų nuostatos tautinių simbolių, liaudies muzikos atžvilgiu? kokie veiksniai daro įtaką studentų tautinių vertybių raiškai? Atsakymai į šiuos klausimus grindžiami Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto studentų apklausos, atliktos 2012 m., duomenimis ir teorinėmis įžvalgomis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Liaudies muzika; Lietuvių; Lietuvių liaudies muzika; Tautinis ugdymas; Tautiškumas; Vertybės; Lithuanian folk music; National education; Nationality; Values.

ENNow a days young people are characterized by high flexibility, mobility, ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Constantly changing rules and regulations. There are new technologies, a wide range of new information and new ideas every single day. One to these changes young people constantly has new ideas, different understanding of objects and their use. Every people traditional attitude to relationship in the society, in the family, may different their attitude to the national values. The aim of the research was to explore primary school teacher's attitudes towards national values in the future. There were 66 students interviewed in the 2012 at LEU. The research showed that LEU students still have all the national values: they are still proud of their nationality, religion, traditions, proud of their beautiful language, their honourable Lithuanian state, beautiful nature and architectural buildings. Majority of the students said that it's very important residential place, because of its beautiful nature, their relationship with the people living here, because it's theirs birthplace, because of architectural monuments and their parents' real estate. However, more than half of the students doubt it they will be able to find good job based on their education, more than a third said it's difficult to live here. Worrying factor could be focusing on the personal, material issues, not facing essential issues. Nowadays young people are more focused on personal values - friendship, love, health, education, personal well-being, leisure, marriage, well-paid job etc., rather than societal values - respect, democracy, honesty, fairness, citizenship, solidarity and European Union welfare, etc.The research showed that the majority of the students knows Lithuanian anthem, believes that it is very important to respect Lithuanian flag, to celebrate religious holidays and ethnic festivals, but only every five students expressed positive attitudes toward of Lithuanian folk songs, representing national values as a phenomenon. Some respondents indicated not very profound meaning of national values: they know only few folk songs, cant tell the ethno music importance nowadays education. Decreasing students understanding in national values can be explained by the fact that they haven't received enough national education in the past, it's influenced by the family, economical situation, positive Lithuanian attitude and lack of patriotism. [From the publication]

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2020-07-28 20:31:11
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