Litewska i polska spuścizna językowa Antoniego Juszkiewicza (Antanasa Juški) z perspektywy XXI wieku

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Litewska i polska spuścizna językowa Antoniego Juszkiewicza (Antanasa Juški) z perspektywy XXI wieku
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian and Polish linguistic legacy of Antanas Juška from a twenty-first-century perspective
In the Journal:
Acta Baltico-Slavica. 2019, Nr. 43, p. 23-40. Linguistic and cultural heritage of the baltic-slavic borderland. Continuity – loss – recovery
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Antanas Juška (Antoni Juszkiewicz); 19 amžius; Dvikalbiai žodynai; Tapatumas; Etnolingvistika; Naujos lenkų-lietuvių šaltinių tyrimo perspektyvos; Antoni Juszkiewicz (Antanas Juška); Nineteenth century; Bilingual dictionaries; Identity; Ethnolinguistics; New perspectives in the study of Polish-Lithuanian sources.

ENThis article presents the assumptions of new research on the legacy of Antanas Juška, recorded in Lithuanian and Polish. We assume that the forgotten works of this bilingual author from Lithuania, mainly translation dictionaries, are an underestimated study material for interdisciplinary research. They are particularly important for understanding the rich conceptualisations of the world by two collective subjects, Poles and Lithuanians, co-existing in Lithuania under the Russian partition. We have formulated two research hypotheses: (1) the bilingual dictionaries authored by Antanas Juška, who was a Catholic priest, are not only a valuable source of knowledge about the state of the Polish and Lithuanian languages in the nineteenth century, but above all specific cultural texts which form part of the social discourse of their time and place, and thus carry relevant ethnolinguistic and ethnocultural information; (2) bilingual dictionaries as a genre had an impact on the crystallisation of Lithuanian national awareness and the strengthening of cultural identity of Lithuanians in the second half of the nineteenth century. Juška’s linguistic legacy will be jointly studied by Polish and Lithuanian researchers from different perspectives, applying the tools and methods available in twenty-first-century humanities. I. In the ethnolinguistic and ethnohistorical paradigm: in view of the hypothesis that bilingual dictionaries constitute a narrative about the world and its historical time, we extract linguistic data that will enable us to capture the lexical and conceptual symmetry and asymmetry between the linguistic woldview of Poles and Lithuanians in the context of the crystallisation of Lithuanian national awareness.II. In the comparative perspective: (1) we will present Juška’s lexicographic legacy against the background of the Lithuanian and Polish lexicographic tradition; we will confront the lexicographic practice and the macro- and microstructure of his dictionaries with important works of Lithuanian lexicography and contemporary dictionaries recording colloquial, dialectal and regional vocabulary of various sub-regions of Lithuania; (2) we will compare the Polish material recorded in Juška’s translation dictionaries with dictionaries of the general, dialectal and regional Polish language from Lithuania; (3) we will answer the question whether the introduction of Russian translations into the Lithuanian-Polish dictionary published by the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg was merely a political requirement stemming from the political situation and censorship, or whether these translations complement the meanings of the Polish and Lithuanian entries. III. In the sociolinguistic and communication aspect: language contact and multilingualism, and the attendant processes of borrowing, mixing and “combining” vocabulary among users of the regional Polish language and spoken Lithuanian. Our research draws the attention of linguists to old, underestimated texts. It also indicates the cognitive value of linguistic analysis open to history, ethnology and identity studies. By studying Juška’s linguistic legacy in the context of modern scholarship, we introduce it into the sphere of collective life of Lithuanians and Poles. In this way, we create a plane for a better mutual understanding which will foster the overcoming of negative national stereotypes. [From the publication]

0065-1044; 2392-2389
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