Daugiabučių renovacijos Vilniaus mieste teritoriniai ypatumai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Daugiabučių renovacijos Vilniaus mieste teritoriniai ypatumai
Alternative Title:
Territorial features of renovation of apartment buildings in Vilnius
In the Journal:
Geografijos metraštis [Annales Geographicae. Geographical Yearbook]. 2017, 50, p. 21-40
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Blokinių namų renovacija; Daugiabučių modernizavimas; Daugiabučių namų modernizavimas; Daugiabučių namų renovacija; Daugiabučių renovacija; Energetinio efektyvumo renovacija; Energiją taupanti renovacija; Gyvenamosios aplinkos atnaujinimas; Socialistiniai daugiabučiai; Socialistinio laikotarpio būstas; Block renovation; Energy saving renovation; Modernization of blocks of flats; Renewal of living environment; Renovation of apartment buildings; Socialist large-scale housing.

ENRenovation of apartment buildings is new urban stage, based on sustainability and integrated regeneration of urban areas. It is considered as one of the most relevant objects of the European Union (EU) dwelling and climate policies. Process of renovation in Lithuania started in late 90’s, nevertheless it is still fulfilled mostly via modernization of solitary buildings which only present financial, environmental and economical benefits. Renewal of residential environment is left aside. It still faces lack of holistic approach on all scientific, political and practical fields, while the process itself is often taken as construction rather than territorial development tool. It is typical for Vilnius too. Accomplished renovation projects in city are characterized by low intensity and spatial density. Most of the projects are concentrated on relatively attractive residential areas – Naujamiestis, Žirmūnai, Antakalnis, Verkiai, meanwhile in older districts (Karoliniškės, Vilkpėdė, Viršuliškės) process is not intense and only several modernization projects in each are done. Negative social and demographic processes that Vilnius is dealing with are important causes why city is still struggling with renovation. Vilnius is facing suburbanization that leads to population aging and social disorientation in inner city areas. Based on research apartments residential districts have relatively higher proportion of lower educated, lower earning (or state-dependent), divorced or unmarried people. Meanwhile, suburbs present opposite. Furthermore, inner districts such as Šeškinė, Fabijoniškės, Viršuliškės, Naujininkai already are characterized by higher average age: 41- 50 or even higher – 51- 61 (e.g. Karoliniškės). The peripheral parts of Vilnius are younger – the average age goes up to 40 years (peripheral Fabijoniškės and Pilaitė, Naujieji Verkiai, Antakalnis).Analysis of the 2001 and 2011 population census data reveals that inner districts are also dealing with rising proportion of retired people per 1000 inviduals of working age. In Karoliniškės the change between the 2001 and 2011census data was 97,8 percent, in Šeškinė - 91, 4 percent, in Viršiuliškės – 87, 7 percent, in Justiniškės – 72, 2 percent, in Lazdynai it was the lowest, but still reached 59,6 percent. In Senamiestis, Naujininkai, Paneriai the changes were less than 15 percent. So, demographic potential is concentrating in suburbs and peripheral parts of the city leaving inner districts less socially and demographically active. Renovation process has intensified in 2013 when new financing model was introduced. It gave more power for municipalities. Now almost half (47.1%) of the renovation project in Vilnius are being carried out for loans taken out by the municipality, and the total number of apartments renovated since the beginning of 2013 is 3.3 times higher compared to 2004. All examples discussed above highlight the importance of demographic and social aspects in renovation policy. Territorial distribution of residents and the subsequent social and demographic changes are an important issue for urban development. Block renovation can be called one of the ways to ensure sustainable development of the city in both, urban and social – demographic aspects: the renovation would attract a significant part of the population, increase population density, reduce the spatial distribution of built up urban areas, make the city more concentrated, increase efficiency of technical and social infrastructure, homogeneous society, ensure preservation of urban structure. This article proposes to base renovation planning on the territorial analyses of population, urban processes and housing stock.It offers to focus on small block renovation project with clear boundaries and close communities in order to maintain financial and organizational optimality. [From the publication]

0132-3156; 2335-8610
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