LTMokslo studijoje analizuojami argumentai, paaiškinantys neformalių mainų, prieštaraujančių teisės normoms, prigijimą visuomenėje, ir pateikiamos įžvalgos bei siūlomi kriterijai, pagal kuriuos būtų galima atskirti kyšį nuo pateisinamos dovanos, kokių veiksmų reikėtų imtis norint mažinti smulkiosios korupcijos paplitimą. Taip pat analizuojami tik tie smulkiosios korupcijos atvejai, kurie susiję su dovanojimu ar atsilyginimu, t. y. nuošalyje paliekami tradiciniai, įprastiniai korupcijos atvejai, kai pagrindinis neteisėto santykio elementas yra tiesioginis naudos siekimas. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dovana; Kyšis; Smulkioji korupcija; Lieuva; Teisinis reguliavimas; Gift; Bribe; Small corruption; Lithuania; Legal regulation.
ENThe article aims to analyse the arguments explaining the causes of wide application informal exchange relations, confronting legal rules and provide insights and criteria enabling to separate a bribe from a gift. As well, it aims to formulate the possible steps for the restriction of the spread of the petty corruption in the society. The article analyses only the cases of petty corruption which are related with gifts and showing gratitude, i.e. it leaves aside the traditional cases of corruption with the main motive is the direct acquisition of benefit. The work is carried out by analysing the anthropological insights and comparing them with the existing legal acts and case law, as well institutional practice of Lithuania. The article consists of 6 parts. The first part analyses anthropological roots of informal exchange among members of society in general as well as small communities. The second part examines the common points and discrepancies between informal exchange relations and legal regulation, which helps later formulating hypotheses on why the legal regulation is hardly capable of managing the embedded rules in the society. The third part systematises the negative aspects of societal norms which contradicts not only formal legal rules, but as well endangers the core principles of human rights and public administration. The fourth part discusses differences between a gift and a bribe. The fifth part is dedicated to the analysis of informal exchange according to the case-law and institutional practice of Lithuanian legal system, Finally, the sixth part provides insights on the perspectives of regulation of petty corruption in Lithuania. [From the publication]