Lietuvos mokytojų ir moksleivių ekslibrisas: LDUD patirtis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos mokytojų ir moksleivių ekslibrisas: LDUD patirtis
Alternative Title:
Ex libris of Lithuanian teachers and pupils: the experience of Lithuanian Art Educators' Association
In the Book:
Lietuvos ekslibrisui - 500: evoliucija ir šiuolaikinės tendencijos / sudarytojai Bronius Maskuliūnas, Asta Kaktytė. Šiauliai: Šiaulių apskrities Povilo Višinskio viešoji biblioteka, 2018. P. 59-63
Summary / Abstract:

LT2018 metais sukanka 28 metai, kai buvo įkurta Lietuvos dailės ugdytojų draugija (LDUD). Per visus savo gyvavimo metus LDUD siekė skatinti jaunimo ugdymą menu, palaikyti mokinių ir vaikų dailės kūrybą, ugdyti jų meninės raiškos gebėjimus, koordinuoti visuomeninę veiklą meninio ugdymo srityje. Per tą laikotarpį, siekdama savo tikslų, LDUD Lietuvoje organizavo daug įvairių konkursų, parodų, konferencijų. Nuo šioje savanoriškoje organizacijoje veikiančių žmonių pomėgių, pasiaukojimo ir paskatos dirbti ne tik sau, bet ir jaunimo labui priklauso ir draugijos veiklos kryptys. Entuziastų dėka viena iš tokių veiklų tapo ekslibrisų konkursų organizavimas, kuris buvo orientuotas plačiau ir išsamiau supažindinti moksleivius su tradicinio, klasikinio knygos ženklo kūrimo logika, eiga, stilistika ir raiška. To nuo 2008 metų nuosekliai siekė LDUD pirmininkė Sigita Saulėnienė, šią sritį įvardijusi kaip vieną iš savo programos veiklos krypčių. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama aptarti LDUD ekslibrisų konkursų organizavimo Lietuvos mokytojams ir mokiniams patirtį, pristatyti organizuotų ekslibrisų konkursų raidą ir turinį, mokyklų, mokytojų ir mokinių - ekslibrisų dalyvių - skaičių ir tendencijas bei akcentuoti pastebimus ekslibrisų kūrimo ir įgyvendinimo pokyčius. [...]. [Iš straipsnio, p. 59]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ekslibrisas; Ekslibrisų konkursai ir parodos; Mokytojai; Mokiniai; Mokytojai; Ugdymas daile; Education through art; Ex libris contests and exhibitions; Exlibris; Lithuanian teachers; Pupils; Teachers.

ENThe article discusses the experience of ex libris contest organization by Lithuanian Art Educators' Association (hereinafter LAEA) for Lithuanian teachers and pupils. The development and content of organized ex libris contests, the number of schools, teachers and pupils, i.e. the participants of contests, and tendencies are introduced, as well as the changes of creation and implementation of ex libris are highlighted. Since 2010, LAEA has organized eight Republican ex libris contests for pupils and art teachers: in 2010, marking the 20th anniversary of LAEA activity, ex libris contest "A Teacher and a Pupil" was organized; in 2011, Lithuanian teachers and pupils were invited to deepen their knowledge of two famous Lithuanian artists Justinas Vienožinskis and Juozas Zikaras; in 2012, LAEA announced the contest "100 Years for Confectionery Factory RŪTA"; the fourth ex libris contest "Transatlantic Flight 1933-2013", organized in 2013, invited to commemorate the world-wide deed performed by two famous Lithuanian pilots - Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas; in 2014, LAEA announced the fifth ex libris contest "Lithuanian Ethnographic Regional Peculiarity in a Bookplate"; ex libris contest "St Pilypas Neris - a Bird of God" was organized in 2015 and was dedicated to commemorate the 500th birth anniversary of St Pilypas Neris, who is called "a Bird of God"; the seventh ex libris contest "My Book" was dedicated to the Year of Libraries; aiming to realize the 100th anniversary of the restoration of the state of Lithuania, the contest "Ex Libris. I Proclaim Independent Lithuania. LAEA 2018" was organized. During eight years, 186 schools and 661 participant have taken part in ex libris contests. In total, 719 ex libris were created, out of them pupils presented 585 bookplates, teachers - 134.Since 2010, a group of actively creating art teachers, artists, ex libris creators, and educators of this area has formed, which inspired by creative ideas together with pupils are looking for new ideas and forms of artistic expression. Linocuts and creations performed with a drypoint are usually used to create ex libris, ink and computer technologies are used as well.The techniques, such as grattage, cardboard carvings, drawings, monotype and etching are not used so often. The specificity not only of ex libris but also of graphics is developed. It is possible to find a lot of bookplates created using mixed technique, colourants, using a cutting or performing photo-cutting. In summarizing it is possible to state that regularly organized ex libris contests and exhibitions for pupils and teachers in Lithuania enriched both pupils and teachers, promoted to deepen more into the history of Lithuania, to be interested in bookplate, its particularities, possibilities of its use, logics of mark creation, inspired with a wish to experiment. The creation of bookplates has developed pupils'abilities to purposely choose and use the elements of art to realize the idea, subject, meaning of ex libris, it has helped to achieve the aims of cognition of art "language" - to know, perceive and apply the elements of art and the main principles of composition. The organization of these contests, preparation of exhibitions and ex libris catalogues have became the challenge for the organizers themselves. Each time a variety of solutions has been sought, how to prepare the catalogue that it would reflect the spirit of contests, highlight the idea of each contest, that it would be attractive and informative. [From the publication]

2020-07-28 20:31:08
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