Ekslibrisas Lietuvos ir užsienio moksleivių kūryboje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ekslibrisas Lietuvos ir užsienio moksleivių kūryboje
Alternative Title:
Ex libris in the works of Lithuanian and foreign pupils
In the Book:
Lietuvos ekslibrisui - 500: evoliucija ir šiuolaikinės tendencijos / sudarytojai Bronius Maskuliūnas, Asta Kaktytė. Šiauliai: Šiaulių apskrities Povilo Višinskio viešoji biblioteka, 2018. P. 32-37
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvoje ekslibriso renesansas profesionalių dailininkų kūryboje siejamas su XX a. šeštuoju dešimtmečiu. Mokyklose ryškesnę ekslibriso plėtros sklaidą galėtume rasti pradedant devintuoju dešimtmečiu, nes per du dešimtmečius išpopuliarėjęs ir subrendęs knygos ženklas pasiekė ir dailės pedagogų įvairias edukacines programas. Jau prieškaryje žinomas dailininkas ir pedagogas G. Bagdonavičius, dirbdamas Šiaulių mokytojų seminarijos piešimo mokytoju, sudomino seminarijos mokinius. Jie gana primityviu būdu pradėjo sau kurti ekslibrisus. Moksleivių ekslibrisų pristatymui spaudoje ir parodų erdvėse turėjo įtakos tarptautiniai ir respublikiniai moksleivių ekslibrisų konkursai. Parodos ir išleisti katalogai leidžia teigti, kad ekslibrisas šiuo metu ne tik pavienių pedagogų entuziastų edukacinės raiškos objektas, bet procesas, turintis vis didėjantį pagreitį. Šiuos teiginius pagrindžia iš įvairiausių informacijos šaltinių surinkta medžiaga. Reikšmingas įvykis moksleivių ekslibriso raidai - 1997 metų tarptautinis ekslibrisų konkursas, skirtas lietuviškos knygos 450-osioms metinėms. Jame, be profesionalių dailininkų, dalyvavo M. K. Čiurlionio bei Kauno J. Naujalio meno gimnazijų moksleiviai, taip pat pavieniai entuziastai iš kitų Lietuvos mokyklų. Konkursiniai darbai buvo eksponuojami Vilniaus dailės galerijoje "Akademija". [...]. [Iš straipsnio, p. 32]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ekslibrisas; Ekslibrisas Lietuvoje; Ekslibrisas mokykloje; Ekslibriso konkursas; Konkursas; Meninis ugdymas; Moksleiviai; Artistic education; Competition; Ex libris; Ex-libris competition; Ex-libris in Lithuania; Exlibris at school; Pupils.

ENThe renaissance of ex libris in Lithuania in the creation of professional artists commenced in the 6th decade of the 20th century. A more pronounced dissemination of ex libris development at schools could be found starting with the 9th decade, as bookolate, which became popular within two years, has reached various educational programs of art educators. Already before the war, a known artist and pedagogue G. Bagdonavičius, while working as an art teacher at Šiauliai Teachers' Seminary, inspired seminary students and they started creating ex libris for themselves. The international and Republican ex libris contests for pupils have influenced the presentation of pupils' ex libris in press and exhibitions. The exhibitions and published catalogues suggest that presently ex libris is the object of educational expression by individual educators-enthusiasts, but also the process which has an increasing acceleration. To substantiate these arguments, I will present fragmented material collected from various informational resources. In someforeign countries, exlibris hassignifkantly deepertraditions. This determined a wider dissemination of ex libris in educational process as well. Thematic exhibitions and contests related to children's literature or childhood are held, the methodical publications devoted to ex libris are published. The use of symbols in a wider expression, firstly, depends on pupils'age and the topic, which is presented by a teacher. In free compositions of the works by younger age pupils (aged 11-15), the symbols of animals, plants and games prevail, the motifs of cartoon or humour are often introduced. The text is used only a little. Ex libris often loses its logical mission, as they are dedicated to wind, the sun, rain or the inscription is simply forgotten.The text in ex libris does not always become a harmonious part of composition, it is usually perceived as a compulsory postscript at the final stage of work. Sometimes, engraving does not fit into a traditional format, which is for a miniature. The ex libris of this age group manifests in expressiveness, a spontaneous drawing, sincerity and unexpected compositional solutions. Pupils of senior age (aged 16-18) try to analyse deeper the symbols congenial for a chosen work, the process of creative work is much slower, the poetic and romantic compositions prevail, where it is possible often to meet the marks of sentimental or trite sentimentality (lightning, pierced with an arrow hearts, mountains, sunsets, etc.). Sometimes there are works which are the copies of famous artists'stylistics. The ex libris of this age group are characterized with accuracy, complex abstract or optical compositions, and font and ornamental ex libris is performed originally. The use of symbols and emblematics is more original. The works of senior pupils often approach to professional art. The technique is becoming more complex, the technique of linocut or plastic cut is chosen more often, the collage compositions are favoured, by using your own production paper. Due to technical complexity, the works of metal or wood engraving are performed not so often at schools. In the international and Republican ex libris contests for pupils, the bookplates with national and folk art motifs are rarely found, unless it is related with a concrete topic of the contest. Russian and Ukrainian young artists are distinguished by the high-quality mastery of classical graphic techniques and academic drawing. The young ex libris creators of the West Europe experiment more, especially in the area of computer graphics.In Lithuanian young artists'works, we find a fairly wide variety of graphic techniques and composition. Senior pupils, often using sophisticated, such as CorelDRAW applications, tend to search for technical effects, and use less of the drawing and its correction when working with curve management tools. The harmony between the font chosen by computer composition and colour is often forgotten. Summarizing the dissemination of pupils'ex libris and artistic particularities, it is possible to state, that ex libris has become one of the forms of plastic expression in Lithuania and abroad, and new technologies make assumptions for the development of traditional art genres in a modern school. In Lithuania, over two decades, a lot of exhibitions, contests of ex libris have been held, the thematic catalogues have been published. Not only the teachers of art, but also the Lithuanian art educators'association contributed significantly to the development of ex libris. [From the publication]

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Šiaulių krašto ekslibrisas / Jonas Nekrašius. Žiemgala. 2004, Nr. 1, p. 28-33.
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