Kauno apskrities viešosios bibliotekos ekslibrisų kolekcija: saugojimo, sklaidos ir panaudojimo iššūkiai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kauno apskrities viešosios bibliotekos ekslibrisų kolekcija: saugojimo, sklaidos ir panaudojimo iššūkiai
Alternative Title:
Collection of ex libris in Kaunas County Public Library: challenges of storage, dissemination and usage
In the Book:
Lietuvos ekslibrisui - 500: evoliucija ir šiuolaikinės tendencijos / sudarytojai Bronius Maskuliūnas, Asta Kaktytė. Šiauliai: Šiaulių apskrities Povilo Višinskio viešoji biblioteka, 2018. P. 14-20
Summary / Abstract:

LTNuo pat įkūrimo 1950 m. Kauno apskrities viešoji biblioteka (KAVB) ėmė kaupti ekslibrisų kolekciją - pirmiausia perimdama ekslibrisais pažymėtas knygas, vėliau įsigydama iš dailininkų naujai gaunamoms knygoms žymėti ir pagaliau perimdama ekslibrisų, kaip savarankiškų meno kūrinių, rinkinius. Prisitaikydama prie kintančių istorinių aplinkybių, visuomenės poreikių bei techninių galimybių, šiandien KAVB susiduria su naujais iššūkiais, tarp kurių - sukauptos ekslibrisų kolekcijos išsaugojimo ir aktualizavimo klausimai. Pagrindinis straipsnio tikslas - aptarti KAVB ekslibrisų kolekcijos istoriją, reikšmingiausius eksponatus, jų panaudojimo, sklaidos ir išsaugojimo ateities kartoms būdus, aktualumą ir reikšmę. Taip pat aptarsime Kauno ekslibrisininkų klubo indėlį į šios kolekcijos kaupimą ir populiarinimą. Norint atsakyti į šiuos klausimus, svarbu atsižvelgti ir į pasikeitusį žmonių santykį su knyga, knygos kultūra. [Iš straipsnio, p. 14]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ekslibris; Ekslibrisas; Kauno apskrities viešoji biblioteka; Kauno ekslibrisininkų klubas; Knygos nuosavybės ženklas; Kolekcija; Kolekcijos; Mažoji grafika; Book ownership mark; Collection; Collections; Ex libris; Exlibris; Kaunas County Public Library; Kaunas club of exlibrists; Small graphics.

ENKaunas County Public Library (hereinafter KCPL) has been accumulating the collection of ex libris since its establishment in 1950. Firstly, it overtook the books marked with ex libris into its fund, later it ordered ex libris from the artists to mark the newly received books, and finally, it overtook the collections of ex libris as individual artworks. Adapting to changing historical circumstances, society's needs and technical possibilities, today KCPL meets new challenges, among which are the preservation and actualization issues of ex libris collection. Thearticle aims to discuss the history of KCPL exlibris collection, the most significant exhibits of this collection, the ways of their use, dissemination and preservation for future generations, their relevance and meaning, as well as the contribution of Kaunas ex libris society members to the accumulation and popularization of this collection with regard to the changed relationship between people and books, book culture. The Club of Exlibrists established in Kaunas Public Library in 1992 has played a significant role in supplementing and popularizing KCPL ex libris collection. It was founded by Kaunas citizens, bibliophiles and enthusiastic collectors - Leonas Jonaitis and Romualdas Jurelionis. In 2000, the club was named after Paulius Galaunė. One of the most important tasks of the club was the popularization of ex libris. The club sought to attract Kaunas citizens to be interested in artistic bookplates and to involve them into city's cultural life. Today, KCPL ex libris collection can be divided into two categories. Firstly, ex libris which perform their direct mission: they are used as the marks created by artists certifying the ownership of the book. The second category includes ex libris - small graphics artworks, which are preserved at KCLP as thematic collections consisting of individual artists'works and ex libris contest works.The collection of original artworks of ex libris, small graphics accumulated in the library can not be preserved only as the archive. By using different forms, it is important to popularize it, show and introduce to society. KAVB since the beginning of the work with ex libris (c 1989) and the formation of collection has chosen several ways of dissemination: the contests and exhibitions of ex libris have been organized, and recently, ex libris have been digitized. The biggest problem of dissemination and digitization of ex libris is the attribution of authors and concluding the licensed agreements with the authors and the inheritors of their works. Undoubtedly, ex libris can be interesting not only for collectors, art or history researchers looking for historical or artistic value of ex libris, it is also necessary to set criteria, according to which, it would be possible to assess ex libris, and which would help find the meaningful niche in reading society. Therefore, libraries and museums, that accumulate and preserve ex libris collections, have to educate society on this issue and at least partly return to ex libris its initial mission and find a new one. [From the publication]

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