LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Dekonstrukcija; Derrida, Jacquesas; Geopolitika; Globalizacija; Lietuvos suverenitetas; Nepriklasomybė; Nepriklausomybė; Suverenitetas; Teisingumas; Deconstruction; Derrida, Jacques; Geopolitics; Globalization; Independence; Justice; Lithuanian sovereignty; Sovereignty.
ENThus the past and present of Lithuania show that, all in all, the country is too small and weak element of geopolitics to be independent, and therefore, beginning with the middle of 16th century, it almost permanently was dependent on some big political and economical structure which transformed it at wish, often resorting to soft and hard power. Now the genuine sovereignty over the Republic of Lithuania belongs to the officialdom of the EU, which controls national ruling elites turning Europe into the melting pot of nation-states. In order to promote this project, the ruling elite of the EU has to overcome some rudimental resistance of the national demos. African immigrants are the effective means to achieve that and other ends of globalization. The first articles of The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, that declare independence and national sovereignty, appear null and void in light of the more recent Constitutional Act, “On Membership of the Republic of Lithuania in the European Union“ and the above discussed Derridian deconstruction. Nevertheless, independence and sovereignty are and will remain useful elements for the official line designed for the satisfaction of a retrograde nationalistic mentality, still widely spread among former soviet republic demos. [Extract, p. 77]