Inovatyvių studijų metodų adaptavimas: iššūkis šiandieniniam dėstytojui

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Inovatyvių studijų metodų adaptavimas: iššūkis šiandieniniam dėstytojui
Alternative Title:
Adaptation of innovative study methods: challenge to nowadays teacher
Summary / Abstract:

LTSiekiant nustatyti ar praktikoje inovatyvių studijų metodų (toliau ISM) adaptavimo procesas toks pats, kaip yra kitų autorių aptariamas mokslinėje literatūroje, buvo atlikti giluminiai interviu su dėstytojais, kurie diegia ISM. Tyrimas parodė, kad ISM adaptavimo procesas apima adaptuojamų elementų nustatymo, jų pritaikymo, bandymo ir analizės etapus. ISM adaptavimas priklauso nuo kiekvieno ISM, dėstytojo ir studento savybių. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Adaptavimas; Dėstytojo veiklos; Inovatyvūs studijų metodai; Adaptation; Innovative study method; Teacher activities.

ENInnovations lead everyday life to progress. The key challenge for educational innovation is to ensure that it plays a pivotal role in improving the educational opportunities of millions of people living in a rapidly developing world. Zolait (2014) claims that in order to survive in the modern changing society and to function successfully, it is necessary for any organization to find ways how members of the organisation could adopt innovations in a fast and simple way and to employ them in organizing everyday activities. Adoption of innovations is faster and better when innovations are close in cultural, social and values terms. While pursuing the adjustment of educational organizations to the changing society and successful adoption of innovations, it is mandatory to understand the benefits of educational innovations and to achieve the highest possible percentage of their adaptation. Hochgerner (2011) emphasizes that innovations cause a lot of instability to persons accepting them, and push them out of the comfort zone (Serdyukov, 2017), make them change an established order. Innovations often make one change not only behavior, but also thinking, values, and cultural aspects, thus adaptation of educational innovations provides more security to their users. Educational innovations that are customized, modified and transformed for cultural, moral and social aspects of their users, are more acceptable, suitable and easier adopted. Mostly the need to adapt the content of learning is emphasized (Udvari-Solner, 1994; Šiaučiukėnienė, Stankevičienė, 2002; Shute, Zapata-Rivera, 2007) highlighting the benefits of adaptation for learners (Blonder et al., 2008; Jugo, Kovačic, Slavuj, 2016; Serdyukov, 2017), however, it is not analyzed how this should be done in terms of educational innovations and / or innovative study methods.In order to adapt universities to a changing society and improve the educational process, more attention should be paid to teachers' and educational innovations' adaptation. Although, little investigation can be found in the modification, adaptation or empowerment of innovative study methods (hereinafter ISM) from lecturers’ position. Therefore, the problematic question arises of what is the process of educational innovation adaptation? This article is based on investigation with the purpose to determine how the teacher acts by adapting innovative study methods and which variables are the key in this process. Semi-structured interviews with teachers, who began implement innovative study method, were conducted. The study confirmed that the process of adaptation of the ISM includes: selection of adaptive elements (modeling the overall view of the module and foreseeing the integration of smaller elements), their application (when adjusting activities, tasks, examples, evaluation and consulting with ISM implementers), testing (when tested immediately all adapted ISM, in stages or only part of it) and analyzes (where reflections, student feedback and peer experience are evaluated). The study confirmed that the adaptation of ISM depends on innovative study method characteristics and access way; teacher's competences, qualities and experience; and student’s knowledge, skills, socio-demographic, sociocultural differences and personal characteristics. [...] For these reasons, there is a need to conduct more interviews in order to confirm whether these activities really belong to the ISM adaptation process. It is also important to confirm or reject the results that the first stage of the ISM adaptation involves not only the stage of the investigation of the adapted elements, but also the stage when the overall view of the module is modelled and then the integration of the smaller ISM elements is planned. [From the publication]

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