Tėvų auklėjimo stiliaus ir paauglių interneto naudojimo ryšys

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tėvų auklėjimo stiliaus ir paauglių interneto naudojimo ryšys
Alternative Title:
Connection between parent's upbringing style and teenagers the internet usage
Summary / Abstract:

LTInternetinės kultūros paplitimas tarp paauglių turi didelę įtaką paauglių socializacijai. Šis socialinis reiškinys turi įtakos priklausomybių atsiradimui bei paauglių fizinei, socialinei, emocinei raidai. Straipsnyje analizuojama ryšio tarp tėvų auklėjimo stilių ir paauglių interneto naudojimo problema. Atlikto tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti ryšį tarp tėvų auklėjimo stiliaus ir paauglių naudojimosi internetu. Tyrime buvo taikomas kiekybinės apklausos metodas. Tyrime dalyvavo X gimnazijos I-II gimnazijos klasių mokiniai. Tyrimas atskleidė, jog tėvų auklėjimo stiliai tik kai kuriais atvejais turi įtakos paauglių interneto naudojimui. Valdingas mamos auklėjimo stilius turi neigiamą ryšį su paauglių internetine veikla: klausant, žiūrinti, parsisiunčiant muziką, vaizdo įrašus. Nustatytas ryšys tarp mamos valdingo ir autoritetingo auklėjimo stilių ir paauglių nuomonės apie praleidžiamą laiką socialinėse medijose. Paaugliai, nurodantys mamos valdingą ir autoritetingą auklėjimo stilių, sutinka, kad per daug laiko praleidžia socialinėse medijose.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Internetinnė veikla; Internetinė veikla; Paaugliai; Tėvų auklėjimo stilius; Šeima; Family; Parents upbringing style; Teenagers; The internet activities.

ENThe prevalence of the internet culture among teenagers has a huge influence on their socialization. Due to this fact, it is extremely important to understand the factors which influence the usage of the internet, how much time teenagers spend on the internet and which of the internet activities are the most popular among teenagers. In this article an analysis is done on the connection between parents’ upbringing style and teenagers' the internet usage. The aim of the research - to identify the connection between parents' upbringing style and teenagers' Internet usage. The object of the research - the connection between parents' upbringing style and teenagers Internet usage. Methods of the research are theoretical - scientific psychological and methodological, common-access literature, legal acts and documents' analysis, systemization and summarization. Empyrical: survey, statistical data analysis: frequence analysis, reliability analysis, Pearson (r), Spearman (rho) correlation methods. SPSS packet version 20 was used to perform the statistical data analysis. The research results show that the internet usage is prevalent among teenagers because almost all students who participated in the survey have answered that they use the Internet every day spending between 2-6 and more hours a day. Various activities that teenagers take up on the internet are the following: communication on social networks (on average 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week); searching for the information, downloading, viewing, listening to music, movies or video clips (on average teenagers spend 2-3 hours a day, 4 days a week); the internet games (on average 1 hour per day, 2 days a week); other activities are less popular among teenagers. Respondents spend around 0,5 hour per day, 2 days per week on the internet gambling and commerce.Half of the survey participants think that they spend too much time on communication on social networks. Their parents also agree that their children spend too much time on social networks. A quarter of the survey participants remarked that they spend too much time playing computer games and their parents agree to this remark when talking to their children. A part of teenagers agree that their mood worsens if they can not play computer games or communicate on social networks. Conclusion. The research revealed that parents’ upbringing style occasionally has the influence on teenagers' Internet usage. The mothers' overbearing behavior has the negative connection with the teenagers' usage of the Internet: they are encouraged to listen to music on Internet, to download the music, videos and films. The teenagers who experience overbearing behavior of their mothers tend to spend more time on Internet activities. During the research the connection is determined between mothers' overbearing upbringing style and teenagers' opinion about their time spent on social media channels. Teenagers, who agree with the opinion that their mothers' upbringing style is overbearing, spend too much time on social media channels. [From the publication]

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