Mokyklų vadovų kompetencijų raiška

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokyklų vadovų kompetencijų raiška
Alternative Title:
Implication of school principals' competencies
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomi bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų vadovų kompetencijų tyrimo rezultatai. Remiantis švietimo srities ekspertų apklausa, atskleidžiama, kokiomis kompetencijomis, tarp jų ir neformalizuotomis, turėtų pasižymėti mokyklos vadovas bei kokios šių kompetencijų sąsajos su sėkminga mokyklos veikla ir svarba ugdymo(si) proceso rezultatams. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų vadovai; Ekspertų apklausa; Interviu su ekspertais; Mokyklų vadovų kompetencijos; Competencies of school principals; Comprehensive school principals; Expert interview; Interview with experts; School principals competencies.

ENWorld globalization process, integration of Lithuania in the space of the European Union raise new requirements for schools and headmasters. Managerial professionalism has become the most relevant nowadays problem. It is one of the most important conditions determining school and efficiency of its activities. The purpose of the article is to present the results of carried survey on the competencies of school principals. The approach, that head teachers' competency highly influences the process of education and is one of the most important factors ensuring efficiency of school activities, has been followed. Researcher self-made questionnaire was used for expert interview. The aim of organizing a group of experts was to gather experts representing the field of education. The attention was paid to experts' job experience in the field of education (Ministry of Education, National Agency for School Evaluation, Professional Competence Development Institute). The Snowball Sampling Method (hereafter, SSM) was used to sample the respondents. Most of the cases in which SSM has been used are characterized by less than optimal research conditions where other methodologies are not applicable. The field of education can be examined only by the experts who are familiar with the case in practice, hence the SSM, in this research environment, was used as the only effective method and the deciding factor whether research can be conducted. The research is based on the approaches of pragmatism, social constructivism and the Conception of a Good School (2015). In the rapid alternation of education system new prospects arise while integrating innovations in the educational process, whereas school principals' acquired competencies may not fulfill contemporary challenges.In this context, the problem of the research has arisen - to examine and distinguish the significance and exertion of school principals’ competencies that are important in successful education process. The aim of the research is to disclose the implementation of school principal's competencies by disclosing the concept of educational and managerial competencies. The qualitative research has revealed that a school principal must acquire the following components of non-formalised competencies: personal traits as empathy, humanism, and interchange demand. As new social and managerial competencies entrepreneurship and loyalty to the organization have been identified as particularly significant and innovative components of managerial competencies. Representing interests of the organization, ensuring rational use of financial and human resources by assuming responsibility for decision-making, have been excluded as the main components of managerial competencies that assure coherent school activities process. The survey of comprehensive school principals' managerial competencies significance has stated that the most significant school principals' competencies, which highly influence cohesive education process, are self-assurance, conceptual thinking; abilities to form and change school culture, to ensure conducive conditions for pedagogical staff professional development, and to manage and administer school property, allocations. The ability to collaborate with parents, foster parents or guardians has been indicated as the most influential component of managerial competency that influences community’s buildup and development of collaboration grounded relationship with each member of the school community. [From the publication]

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