LTLietuvai taip pat yra svarbu, kaip ugdyti jaunimą, kuris suprastų, kas yra verslas, bei sugebėtų savo įgūdžius ir žinias pritaikyti prie ekonomikos pokyčių ir nuolat besikeičiančios išorinės aplinkos. Tai yra ekonomikos augimo, darbo vietų kūrimo bei savirealizacijos priemonė. Šiuolaikiam žmogui nebeužtenka įsigyti teorinių žinių ir išmokti jas taikyti praktiškai savo veikloje. Šiuo metu jis turi turėti kompetencijų, leidžiančių dalyvauti įvairiose gyvenimo peripetijose, turėti savo nuomonę, mokėti pasirinkti ir kurti, prognozuoti pokyčius, diagnozuoti, realizuoti ir kontroliuoti. Straipsnyje pateikiamos verslumo ugdymo sampratos, verslumą nustatantys būdai ir iniciatyvos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Jaunimas; Verslumas; Skatinimas; Youth; Entrepreneurship promotion.
ENThe twenty-first century in Europe is related with large changes which are the most noticeable in the economy and in the social life. New technologies are changing public social relationships, approach to business, dictating the conditions, in order that Europe would keep pace with the other major economies of the world and would be competitive, it is necessary to take measures to adapt to new challenges. There is an important task in Europe and in Lithuania - to educate young people, who understand what is business, who effectively integrates into public life, and capable of their skills and knowledge to adapt to the changing economic and social environment. This paper examines that youth entrepreneurship education today became one of the most important development directions. In the European Commission Communication ”Implementing the Community Lisbon program: Fostering entrepreneurial mindsets through education and learning” is accented an entrepreneurship education in primary and secondary education of young people. Entrepreneurship education is very important, because it is important for economic growth, job creation and means of expression. In nowdays modern personality is not enough sufficient just to gain knowledge and learn how to apply them in practice in their activities, he must have competencies which would actively allow participate in the various events of life, would allow to have their own opinion, to predict changes, to choose and create. [From the publication]