Pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje patikslinto klausimyno psichometriniai rodikliai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje patikslinto klausimyno psichometriniai rodikliai
Alternative Title:
Psychometric properties of the revised organizational citizenship behaviour questionnaire
In the Journal:
Psichologija. 2019, t. 60, p. 27-45
Summary / Abstract:

LTPilietiškas elgesys organizacijoje – savanoriškas, neprivalomas darbuotojų elgesys, kuriuo stiprinami socialiniai ryšiai ir kuriamos palankios veiklai organizacinės aplinkos socialinio konteksto sąlygos. Atsižvelgiant į šio elgesio tyrimų plėtrą užsienio šalyse, kultūrinių skirtumų reikšmę pilietiško elgesio vertinimui ir remiantis Organ (1988) teorine koncepcija, 2013 metais buvo parengtas lietuviškasis pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje vertinimo klausimynas. Jį sudarė pilietinio įsitraukimo, pagarbos, pagalbos, iniciatyvos ir sąžiningumo dimensijos, patikrinta metodo struktūra, atlikta preliminari psichometrinių rodiklių analizė (Bagdžiūnienė, Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė ir Urbanavičiūtė, 2013). Šiame straipsnyje pristatomi du nauji tyrimai, kurių tikslas – patikrinti darbuotojų pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje lietuviško klausimyno struktūrą ir įvertinti patikslinto metodo psichometrinius rodiklius. Pirmajame tyrime dalyvavo 1 985, antrajame – 647 darbuotojai. Rezultatai: patvirtinamoji faktorių analizė patvirtino penkių dimensijų metodo struktūrą, galutinę klausimyno versiją sudaro dvidešimt teiginių, patvirtinti skalių suderintumo, išorinio validumo ir kiti psichometriniai rodikliai. Lietuviškasis pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje klausimynas pasižymi geromis psichometrinėmis savybėmis, gali būti taikomas, vykdant tyrimus organizacijose. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pilietiškas elgesys organizacijoje; Klausimynas; Patikimumas; Validumas; Darbuotojai; Organizational citizenship behavior; Questionnaire; Reliability; Validity; Employees.

ENOrganizational citizenship behaviour is defined as “individual behaviour that is discretionary and not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system and in the aggregate promotes the efficient and effective functioning of the organization” (Organ, Podsakoff, & MacKenzie, 2006). Nowadays it is one of the most widely studied phenomena in the field of organizational science (Podsakoff, Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Maynes, & Spoelma, 2014). Employee citizenship behaviour generates additional value for the organization by creating a positive social environment, improving the use of resources, coordinating activities within and between working groups, enhancing the organization’s ability to attract and retain the best employees, maintaining organizational stability and adaptability to environmental changes. Meanwhile, citizenship behaviour is not widely studied in Lithuania and one of the reasons may be a lack of reliable and valid instruments that would correspond to the country’s cultural context. The first version of the Lithuanian twenty-nine items Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) questionnaire included dimensions of altruism, courtesy, civic virtue, conscientiousness, and was developed in 2013 (Bagdžiūnienė, Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė ir Urbanavičiūtė, 2013). Later, in 2014–2016, two studies were carried out with the aim to revise and confirm the structure of the OCB questionnaire and to re-evaluate its psychometric properties.In the first study, a total of 1985 employees from one Lithuanian public sector organization were surveyed online. Ninety-two percent of the respondents were female, the average age of respondents was 45.13 (SD = 10.3) years, with an average of 12.34 (SD = 7.74) years of working experience in the organization. Thirteen percent of the respondents were first-level managers. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed the five factor structure of the questionnaire; however, nine items with the lowest loadings were removed. The shortened version of the OCB questionnaire consists of five dimensions with four items in each scale. Cronbach’s alphas confirmed the reliability of each scale, the discriminant validity was confirmed by positive correlations between OCB dimensions and inrole behaviour, affective organizational commitment, job satisfaction and negative correlations with the intention to quit. In the second study, 647 employees from different organizations were surveyed online. Seventy-four percent of them were female, the average age of respondents was 30.64 (SD = 10.08) years, with an average of 4.45 (SD = 6.19) years of working experience in the organization. Sixteen percent of the respondents were first-level managers. Thirty-two percent of the respondents were from public and sixty-eight percent from private sector organizations. The five-factor structure was additionally approved by applying CFA in this sample, the invariance of the structure regarding gender, age, and status was also confirmed. Conclusion: The revised OCB questionnaire is a reliable and valid twenty-items multidimensional instrument and is congruent with the classical concept of OCB. It includes five dimensions of employee citizenship behaviour, namely altruism, courtesy, civic virtue, conscientiousness, and initiative. Limitations and practical applications are discussed. [From the publication]

1392-0359; 2345-0061
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