LTŠiame darbe nagrin jamas depresijos ir nerimo sutrikimų paplitimas tarp Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto studentų. Nustatyta, kad kurso studentų psichoemocinė būsena yra nepalanki: nemažai daliai konstatuota depresija, nerimas (šie sutrikimai būdingesni moterims, taip pat studijuoti atvykusiems iš kaimo vietovių. Depresijos dažnumas beveik tolygiai didėja su amžiumi. Raktažodžiai: studentai, depresija, nerimas.
ENThe aim of the study is to evaluate prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders among first year students of Vilnius Pedagogical University. The investigation was carried out with the help of an interview using the HAD (Hospital Anxiety and Depression) scale. The data analysis indicates that the psychical and emotional state of students is not good. Clear signs of depression were found in 6.7 percent, anxiety disorders in 32.2 percent, potential depression in 48.4 percent and potential anxiety disorders in 51.4 percent of the cases. Depression and anxiety disorders are more usual for women than men. We get more cases of depression connected with age. Depression and anxiety disorders are more frequent among those who come to study from rural areas. As depression and anxiety disorders are widely spread prevention measures are an important factor, namely, clarification of reasons for psychical and emotional disorders, application of social therapy, and help for adaptation for those coming from rural areas. Keywords: students, depression, anxiety.