Iš praeities tavo sūnūs: Lietuvos istorija partizanų akimis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Iš praeities tavo sūnūs: Lietuvos istorija partizanų akimis
Alternative Title:
May your sons draw strength and vigour from your past experience: Lithuanian history through the eyes of the partisans
In the Journal:
Liaudies kultūra. 2018, Nr. 4, p. 33-43
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvos pokario rezistencijos kovų dalyviai suprato, kad pasipriešinimo sėkmę lemia ne tik turimi ištekliai, bet ir tinkamas kovotojų nusiteikimas. Todėl partizanų spaudoje, vadovybės rengiamuose dokumentuose daug dėmesio buvo skiriama patriotinių jausmų puoselėjimui ir moralinių vertybių ugdymui. Straipsnyje atskleidžiama, kaip permaininga valstybės ir tautos istorija tapo partizanams įkvėpimo šaltiniu, kokia istoriografine tradicija buvo remiamasi, kokias istorijos pamokas kovotojams buvo svarbu atsiminti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Antikomunistinis pasipriešinimas; Antisovietinis pasipriešinimas; Istorinė atmintis; Kolektyvinė atmintis; Lietuvos partizaninis karas; Lietuvos partizanų spauda; Partizaninis judėjimas; Partizanų spauda; Pasipriešinimas; Anti-Soviet resistance; Anti-communist resistance; Collective memory; Historical memories; Historical memory; Lithuanian partisan publications; Lithuanian partisan war; Lithuanian post-war resistance; Partisan press; Partisan resistance; Resistance.

ENThe participants of the Lithuanian post-war resistance - the partisans - fought against and were greatly outnumbered by the Soviet force and their allies. The partisans understood that the success of their resistance depended on not only the amount of available resources, but also the proper attitude of the fighters. Therefore, in the partisan press, in documents issued by the leadership, much attention is paid to fostering patriotic feelings and teaching moral values. Spiritual strength and resolve were drawn from the past - the tumultuous history of the state and the nation became a source of inspiration. The partisan texts look back to the times of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, when the Lithuanian people were renowned for their bellicosity; links were made also to the fighters in the uprisings of the 18th-19th c., who also fostered ideas of freedom. Continuing inter-war traditions of historiography, the union between Lithuania and Poland was seen as a negative thing, people were reminded that even during the Tsarist occupation the Lithuanian nation remained loyal to its own culture and was able to gain its independence. The faults that were revealed in the inter-war period were an important lesson in creating a new vision of Lithuania, while the achievements gave hope that a consistent fight for freedom would eventually give fruit. History lessons cultivated the fighter’s awareness and provided them with the courage for further deeds. [From the publication]

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