Ar neblaivus asmuo turi teisę valdyti autonominį automobilį?

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ar neblaivus asmuo turi teisę valdyti autonominį automobilį?
In the Journal:
Teisės apžvalga [Law review]. 2018, Nr. 1 (17), p. 85-112
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama ar neblaivus asmuo turi teisę valdyti autonominį automobilį, esamų įstatymų bei rūpestingumo pareigos kontekste. Pirmoje straipsnio dalyje nagrinėjama autonominio automobilio specifika. Visų pirma buvo nustatyta, kad kalbant apie neblaivaus asmens teisę valdyti autonominį automobilį, autorius problemą nagrinės tik pilnai autonominio automobilio kontekste. Nagrinėjant autonominių automobilio vystymosi eigą bei prognozes, nustatyta, kad neblaiviam asmeniui Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos įstatymai nedraudžia valdyti autonominio automobilio, o Europos Sąjunga, dėl įstatymų nebuvimo – draudžia. Toliau autorius išskiria autonominio automobilio valdymo ypatumus. Nustatyta, kad autonominio automobilio valdymo ypatumai – valdymas be žmogaus daromos įtakos, leidžia teigti santykį artimesnį naudojimui (keleiviui) nei valdymui, nes už žmogų viską atlieka autonominė sistema. Antroje straipsnio dalyje analizuojamas alkoholio poveikis, transporto priemonės valdytojo rūpestingumo pareigos kontekste. Nustatyta, kad net ir nedidelis alkoholio kiekis trukdo vairuotojo rūpestingumo pareigos vykdymui. Toliau autorius išanalizavo alkoholio apribojimo vairuotojams teisinį reglamentavimą. Analizuojant buvo remtasi Lietuvos bei užsienio valstybių įstatymais. Nustatyta, kad maksimalus leistinas alkoholio kiekis priklauso nuo kelių būklės, avarijų skaičiaus bei kitų politinių ir ekonominių klausimų. Paskutinėje straipsnio dalyje, autorius apibendrino straipsnyje išdėstytą argumentaciją bei išdėstė savo nuomonę dėl neblaivaus asmens teisės valdyti autonominį automobilį. Nors techninių kliūčių nėra, tačiau teisė neblaiviam asmeniui valdyti autonominį automobilį nėra absoliuti.Siekiant nustatyti iki kokio lygio neblaivus asmuo turi teisę valdyti autonominį automobilį, būtina atlikti atskirus tyrimus, analizuojant: kelių infrastruktūrą, transporto, švietimo sistemas, politinio ir ekonominio tikslingumo klausimus. [Iš leidinio]

ENAuthor analyzes whether an intoxicated person has the right to use an autonomous vehicle in the context of current laws and the duty of care. In the first part of the article, the author discusses the commonalities and unique features of an autonomous vehicle. Firstly, the article compares different types of autonomous vehicles, in order to determine the concept of this type of vehicle. It is established, that henceforth the author will only focus on a fully autonomous vehicle. Secondly, once it is established which autonomous vehicle level is going to be the main focus of this article, the article distinguishes the unique features of fully autonomous vehicle and its management features. The results showed that fully autonomous vehicles can be used in any kind of environment without any interaction of a person and is expected to provide extra movement of freedom for disabled people. Furthermore, it is not enough for an autonomous vehicle to simply work as intended. The autonomous system has to be the safety net and provide the redundancy. After identifying autonomous vehicle‘s unique features, the author analyses the development progress and forecast of laws in United States of America (hereinafter – USA) and European Union. The results show, that USA is one of the leading countries in autonomous vehicle development. The ability to enact separate laws from the federal government, allows states to try out different kind of laws in order to regulate autonomous vehicle use. Meanwhile, the European Union takes a more conservative approach, by undergoing various experiments and researches in order to ascertain the safety of autonomous vehicles. It is also established that in USA, the laws do not prohibit an intoxicated person from using an autonomous vehicles, meanwhile in European Union, due to the lack of laws, it is prohibited.After establishing the unique features of autonomous vehicle, in the second part of this work, the author conducts an analysis on the duty of care and how it is affected by different amounts of alcohol and legal regulations. Firstly, taking into consideration that driving requires a great degree of care, the first paragraph analyses different regulations and case law to underline the importance of care for a driver. Afterwards, the author discusses Lithuania’s drunk driving regulations. It is established, that the prohibition to drunk driving has two aims: (1) to prevent casualties on the road and (2) to reduce alcohol consumption. Furthermore, it is established that even though the drunk driving prohibition is supposed to reduce alcohol consumption, in practice, it does not fully achieve its aim. Secondly, as study shows, even a small amount of alcohol has a negative effect on driver’s duty of care. Countries, in order to prevent road casualties and an increased alcohol consumption, use different types of limitations. After comparing several European country’s laws, it’s established that the allowed maximum alcohol limit for drivers depends on various different aspects, such as: road infrastructure, transport system, education system, number of road casualties, political and economic feasibility issues. Finally, it is established that an intoxicated person has the right to use an autonomous vehicle, but the right is not absolute. These limitations can only be determined by conducting additional studies in certain fields, such as: road infrastructure, transportation system, education system, number of road casualties and certain political and economic questions. [From the publication]

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