Quality evaluation of internet websites which represents the Lithuanian basketball through consumers approach

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Quality evaluation of internet websites which represents the Lithuanian basketball through consumers approach
In the Journal:
E+M. Ekonomie a Management. 2018, vol. 21, iss. 2, p. 147-156
Technologijos / Technologies.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Informacinės ir ryšių technologijos; Tinklalapiai; Emocijos; Information and communications technologies; Internet website; Emotions.

ENThe information technology area is one of the fastest expanding and most customizable in daily activities. In 2015, 68% Lithuanian households had personal computers and internet access at home. The modern business is moving to virtual space. The exchange of business area develops a need to managerial decisions in a virtual space. All of the e-business areas have one main element – website. In Lithuanian basketball websites carried out aid communication, information dissemination, representation, sales features. Web site can serve as a key platform to help organizations deal with clients (Gonzalez et al., 2015). The Organization Web site becomes the face of organization and represent in cyberspace. Because of large number of websites and the competition, aspect of quality becomes increasingly important. Main questions are: in what consumers pay attention? How they understand the benefi ts of the website? What kind of emotional state caused by the Web site? Analyzing techniques of websites evaluation three different groups were separated – quality, usability and satisfaction. The best technique – quality, which is the most universal and informative defi ning with other techniques. The quality of internet websites which represented the Lithuanian basketball satisfi es the needs of consumers. The emotion which was experienced during the research was statistically insignifi cant infl uence but emotions experienced the last surfi ng minutes have statistically signifi cant infl uence. Users, who had experienced positive emotions in the end of surfi ng, tend to evaluate better the internet website. It is important for organizations to manage their internet website that visitors leave it with positive emotions. [From the publication]

1212-3609; 2336-5064
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