Liaudiškasis pamaldumas ir istorinė atmintis Šiaulių kryžių istorijoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Liaudiškasis pamaldumas ir istorinė atmintis Šiaulių kryžių istorijoje
Alternative Title:
Folk piety and historical memory in the stories of the crosses of Šiaulių region
In the Journal:
Būdas. 2019, Nr. 2 (185), p. 72-80
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠio straipsnio tikslas - išsiaiškinti, kokias liaudiškojo pamaldumo formas atskleidžia žmonių pasakojimai apie konkretaus regiono kryžius ir kitus mažosios skulptūros statinius. [...]. [Iš straipsnio, p. 72]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Formos; Istorinė atmintis; Kryžiadirbystė; Kryžius; Liaudis; Liaudiškasis pamaldumas; Pamaldumas; Šiaulių rajonas; Cross; Cross-stitching; Folk piety; Forms; Historical Memory; Lithuania; People; Piety; Šiauliai District.

ENForms of folk piety are discussed, revealed in people’s stories about crosses from specific regions as well as other sacred objects. From the intentions for building the cross, to rituals associated with it, we can see that worship of God (Jesus Christ) and the cult of the Mother of God are important to the community. The relationship between requests, worship, giving thanks, is expressed through traditional prayers, more rarely - with hymns, while most often with a certain cross visiting ritual. On the other hand, the erecting of crosses is usually in response to painful historical events, as well the birth or death of a family member, and they are not always deliberately associated with God. There is also a fashion of erecting crosses. [From the publication]

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2020-04-24 06:54:51
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