LT1989 m. Vilniaus universitete buvo įsteigta Slavų filologijos katedra, kurios vadovu tapo prof. Valerijus Čekmonas, o doc. Jelena Konickaja, tada dar ką tik apsigynusi dialektologijos srities disertaciją Maskvos universitete, buvo viena iš bendradarbių. Straipsnyje aprašomos 1990-1997 m. vykusios kryptingos katedros darbuotojų ir studentų ekspedicijos, kuriose medžiaga rinkta laikantis bendros Čekmono sudarytos programos. Tyrinėtos Medininkų ir Sužionių (Vilniaus r.), Bražuolės (Trakų r.), Vandžiogalos (Kauno r.) ir kt. apylinkės, domėtasi lenkų, "paprastosios" ir lietuvių kalbų santykiais. Per ekspedicijas kiekvieną vakarą vykdavo turiningi aptarimai, vadinamosios "spaudos konferencijos", o grįžus į Vilnių - seminarai, per kuriuos daug dėmesio skirta Halinos Turskos darbų studijoms ir paties Čekmono teoriniams apibendrinimams, sukauptų duomenų pagrindu parengta straipsnių ir perskaityta pranešimų konferencijose. Dalis garso įrašų iššifruota ir katalogizuota, archyvai liko pas Čekmoną. Išsamiau aprašoma vienos iš tirtų - Medininkų apylinkės - sociolingvistinė situacija, kuri yra panaši visame Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos paribyje. Pagrindinė bendravimo kalba čia yra "po prostu", baltarusių, jos prestižas menkas. Lenkų kalbos funkcijos yra būti bažnyčios, mokyklos ir bendravimo su nepažįstamaisiais kalba, jos prestižas aukštas. Vyresnioji karta lenkiškai moka prasčiau nei jaunimas, todėl vyresnieji savo "paprastąją" kalbą pagal tam tikras Čekmono aprašytas taisykles (1982) perkoduoja į giminišką lenkų kalbą, tačiau hipernormalizmai tampa neišvengiami. Pats akivaizdžiausias būdas sulenkinti baltarusių kalbą yra kirčio nukėlimas į priešpaskutinį skiemenį (chadák'i
ENThe Department of Slavonic Philology was established at Vilnius University in 1989, prof. Valery Čekmonas became its head. Doc. Jelena Konickaja was one of the co-workers, having just defended her dissertation at the Moscow University. There were organized targeted expeditions by the departmental staff and students in 1990-1997. The material was collected in accordance with the general program set up by Čekmonas. Expeditions explored Medininkai and Sužionys (both Vilnius district), Bražuolė (Trakai district), Vandžiogala (Kaunas district), the target were the relations between Polish, Belarusian and Lithuanian languages at those places. There were meaningful discussions, so-called "press conferences", organized during the expeditions every night. After returning to Vilnius, there were seminars focused on Halina Turska works and Čekmonas theoretical summaries. The participants compiled their articles on the basis of those investigation, and the scientific papers were read at conferences. Some of the audio recordings were decoded, the whole archive was left at Čekmonas' place. There are some remarks on one of those investigated districts - on Medininkai one, because the socio-linguistic situation is similar throughout the whole border of Lithuania and Belarus. The main language of communication here is the Belarusian, and its prestige is poor. The Polish language here performs several functions being the language of church, school and communication with strangers, it has high prestige. The older generation in the Polish language is worse than the younger, and therefore the elderly translate their "ordinary" language according to some of the rules, described by Čekmonas (1982) into a related Polish language, but the hypernormalization become inevitable. The most obvious way to make the Belarusian language more similar to the Polish is to put an accent on the penultimate syllable (chadák'i <хадакi).It could be applied several phonetic changes in a row, for example, on byl boyát... bógat: jayó tam ja n'e v'em jak tam fam'il'ija jégo, then you should: 1) change у ->g; 2) move the accent into the penultimate syllable; 3) to eliminate some phonetic features like a change to (i)a and so on. It becomes clear from the live language records that not necessarily all changes are performed, often it is content to make one-two, because the word anyhow becomes "like Polish". Then hybrids (boróv'ik) are inevitable. Usually morphological rules are generalized, for example, ending of plural Genitive -uf.: jolkuf, chatkuf. In the area of word-building the Belarusian prefixes про(а)-, пера-) are replaced by pše- (tak pšežyval'i). People feel themselves making mistakes when they speak Polish, so they like to rely on collective responsibility: ... jak to muv'i s'e: jak my nazyval'i k'edys’ and so on. The sociolinguistic situation in Bražuolė, located 4 km south-east of Trakai, is similar to Medininkai. There is changeability being distinctive feature in the life of one-two generations: 1920-1939 Polish occupation, 1939-1941 returning to Lithuania, joining the Soviet Union not by their own will, deportation to Siberia, 1941-1944 German occupation, 1944-1947 and 1955-1957 repatriation to Poland, establishment of collective farms, immigration from Belarus and migration from other regions of Lithuania, especially the northern ones, Lithuanian Independence Restoration in 1990. The ethno-linguistic landscape has changed more than once. The situation of the Belarusian language in Bražuolė was described by J. Karski for the first time in 1904.When Vilnius University Slavonic Philology Department organized the expeditions in 1991-1992, they found complicated sociolinguistic situation there, for example, female surname of the same family: Путно - Путна - Бутна - Бутнене; Стефанович - Стяпонавичене. Different languages prevailed in various villages of the same region of Bražuolė, for example, in Drozdovka, Zaleščyzna the main language of communication being Polish, in Naujasodis, Akmena, Užugiris it was Belarusian. Both languages at the lexical level felt a great impact of Russian language, because until 1990 it was language of administration and school. Everyone is well aware that their Polish language is different from that of Poland (here they say velka chata, and in Poland - dužy dom). The features of phonetics are described by Turska and Čekmonas. At the morphological level fluctuation is emphasized. It is influenced of phonetic factors and depends on differences in morphological categories of Lithuanian and Polish. Particular variation is observed in the domain of the female nouns. There are attached some transcribed Polish texts from Bražuolė district. [From the publication]