LTVertybinės jaunosios kartos orientacijos yra ypač svarbus dalykas. Atkūrus Lietuvos nepriklausomybę, vertybių sistemos, jų struktūros klausimais domimasi kur kas daugiau, tačiau nepakankamai. Stokojama išsamių ir visapusiškų tyrimų. Straipsnyje analizuojamos devintos klasės moksleivių vertybinės orientacijos tautinio ugdymo aspektu, atskleidžiami mergaičių ir berniukų vertybinių orientacijų skirtumai, išryškinami skirtumai tarp kaimo ir miesto moksleivių šiuo klausimu. [Iš leidinio]
ENPeople’s values are usually described as universally perceived cultural meanings consolidated in this social activity and norms of behaviour. Looking from this aspect, denying values can be called “anti-value”, which is also some kind of a deep meaningful unit determining statistically a large part of the Lithuanian youth’s perception, thinking and behavioural peculiarities. Values are created in the centuries-old historical cultural layers of a community where the essential human truths grow deeply into them. These truths confirm kindness, beauty, love of work, the family, relatives and the nation. Traditional system of values forms the background of every ethnic culture. The structure of man’s subjectively perceived values is complex because they consist of very many various and different social, cultural and evaluation components. The unit of value is a special mental phenomenon. The article analyses the 9th-form pupils’ value-based orientations. The investigation conducted at secondary schools of the republic of Lithuania showed that values were the most important thing to this age group.