Calvinist Bibles in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Anglų kalba / English
Calvinist Bibles in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Biblija; Biblijos vertimai; Brastos Biblija; Evangelikai reformatai (kalvinistai); Gdansko Biblija; Kalvinistas; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Protestantas; Samuelis Bitneris; Samuelis Boguslavas Chylinskis; Bible; Bible translations; Brest Bible; Calvinist; Gdansk Bible; Protestant; Reformed Protestants (Calvinists); Samuel Boguslaus Chylinski; Samuel Bythner.

ENIn this article we will briefly outline the circumstances in which the above- mentioned Bible translations were made and printed, and discuss the translators’ views of translation techniques as laid forth in their prefaces or as they may be reconstructed on the basis of an analysis of the texts. We will then compare four translations - the Brest and Gdańsk Bibles as well as Chyliński and Bythner - with each other and with the Hebrew and Greek originals. As his translation source Chyliński had chosen a text renowned for its fidelity to the originals, the Dutch Statenvertaling (first edition 1637), whence not only Dutch, but also Hebrew constructions made their way into his translation; his renderings will therefore also be compared with those of the Statenvertaling. The translators of the Bythner New Testament used earlier Lithuanian translations, especially Baltramiejus Vilentas’ Gospels and Epistles (Königsberg: 1579) and they may also have had access to Bretkūnas’ manuscript translation. We have selected places where the Hebrew or Greek text was susceptible of different interpretations, so that the translators had to choose between a philological and an inspired rendering. Through comparison we will try to establish to which translation method each of the versions discussed stands closest. [Extract, p. 230]

2198-3089; 9783666552779
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