Savarankiškos LKP (LDDP) dalyvavimas 1990 m. Lietuvos SSR Aukščiausiosios Tarybos ir 1992 m. Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo rinkimuose

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Savarankiškos LKP (LDDP) dalyvavimas 1990 m. Lietuvos SSR Aukščiausiosios Tarybos ir 1992 m. Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo rinkimuose
Alternative Title:
Participation of the Independent Communist party of Lithuania (CPL) - Democratic labour party of Lithuania (DLP) in the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR (1990) and the elections to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (1992)
In the Journal:
Parlamento studijos [Parliamentary Studies]. 2019, Nr. 26, p. 69-104
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje, remiantis gausia šaltinių baze, išskirtinis dėmesys skiriamas savarankiškos Lietuvos komunistų partijos (LKP), kuri 1990 m. pabaigoje pasivadino Lietuvos demokratine darbo partija (LDDP), dalyvavimui Lietuvoje vykusiuose demokratiniuose rinkimuose 1990 m. į Lietuvos SSR Aukščiausiąją Tarybą (LSSR AT) ir 1992 m. į Lietuvos Respublikos Seimą (LRS). Juose Lietuvos piliečiai balsavo skirtingai: pirmuose rinkimuose triuškinamą pergalę šventė Sąjūdis, o po dvejų metų – LDDP. Aiškinama, dėl kurių priežasčių šiuose rinkimuose skirtingai sekėsi savarankiškai LKP (LDDP) ir jos pagrindiniam konkurentui Sąjūdžiui. Daug dėmesio skiriama savarankiškos LKP ir jos lyderio Algirdo Brazausko požiūriui į Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimą (iki 1990 m. pradžioje vykusių parlamento rinkimų), partijos pertvarkai rengiantis 1992 m. šalies parlamento rinkimams, plačiau aptariamos LDDP sėkmės minėtuose rinkimuose priežastys. Pabaigoje aptariamos tyrimo metu gautos išvados. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: (LSSR AT); Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas; Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės atkūrimas; Lietuvos Respublikos Aukščiausioji Taryba (LR AT); Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas (LRS); Lietuvos Respublikos seimas; Lietuvos SSR Aukščiausioji Taryba; Lietuvos demokratinė darbo; Lietuvos demokratinė darbo partija; Lietuvos komunistų partija; Lietuvos komunistų partija (LKP); Partija (LDDP); Rinkimai; Sąjūdis; Tėvynės sąjungos (Lietuvos konservatorių) partija; Vytautas Landsbergis; Algirdas Brazauskas; Communist Party of Lithuania; Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania; Elections; Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservative) Party; Lithuanian Communist Party; Lithuanian Democratical Labor Party; Parliament of the Lithuanian Republic; Reform movement of Lithuania; Seimas of the Lithuanian Republic; Supreme Council of the Lithuanian Republic; Supreme Council of the Lithuanian SSR; Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR; Sąjūdis; Vytautas Landsbergis.

ENDemocratic elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR in 1990, and elections to the Seimas in 1992, had a significant importance at the time when Lithuanians started liberation process from the USSR, began to build the foundation of statehood, and implemented democratic system. Lithuania‘s independence was restored when Sąjūdis’ candidates won the first democratic elections. Since that time Lithuanian government resisted the political and economic pressure from USSR officials, succeeded to gain international recognition and adopt various laws which have laid the foundations of Lithuanian statehood. DLP won the majority in the elections to the Seimas in 1992. Since then democratic Constitution in a way of referendum was adopted and political activities which were started at the beginning of independence were continued. In the field of foreign policy, Lithuania‘s orientation towards the economic and political integration of the Western world remained a priority.In historiography traditionally much attention is paid to the victory of Sąjūdis in the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR in1990. As well the reasons for the success of this political force are explained and the general characteristics of the election campaign are discussed only in general terms including the defeat of independent LCP. However, the situation of the LCP before the elections, the LCP leader A. Brazauskas’ attitude towards the restoration of Lithuania‘s independence and reasons for party‘s failure in the elections of 1990 is not sufficiently researched. Similar situation exists with regard to the participation of the DLP in the elections of 1992. In historiography, the reasons for the victory of the party are only superficially discussed. Situation of the DLP in its attempts to recover from failure in 1990 has not been investigated. Party leadership‘s efforts to prepare for the new parliamentary elections lacks scientific investigation. The author of this article states that LCP lost elections in 1990 to Sąjūdis because of latter’s major popularity in Lithuanian society and critical attitude of the population towards the role of the LCP during the occupation, and finally because Communist leader A. Brazauskas has taken a hesitant position on the restoration of Lithuania‘s independence. Although the issue of restoration of Lithuanian independence was included as a key issue in the LCP documents, however, the party, and especially its leader A. Brazauskas, avoided specifying it.The LCP’s declared tactics „step by step“ was unacceptable to Sąjūdis and latter initiated the adoption of the Act of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania in March 11, 1990. The process of restoring Lithuania‘s independence would not be clear in case of LCP victory in the elections of 1990. The sudden adoption of the Act of Independence initiated by Sąjūdis deputies awakened the feelings of the Lithuanian nation and fulfilled their long-cherished hope. On the other hand, the independent LCP, which lost the SSL SSR elections, lost many of its members and suffered constant criticism from opponents, was nevertheless able to come back. DLP‘s struggling victory led by many controversial judgments in the elections to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania in 1992, showed that A. Brazauskas and his reorganized party managed to mobilize their forces. LDP succeeded in exploiting its strengths, especially the popularity of his leader A. Brazauskas, and they successfully returned to political power after more than two years. DLP victory, though not predicted, was natural because of ability to exploit the mistakes of governing majority during the election campaign. On the other hand, election results directly led to the establishment of a new political party – Homeland Union-Lithuanian Conservatives in 1993. [From the publication]

1648-9896; 1822-749X
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