Lietuvos fotografų nuotraukos pirmojoje Rusijos etnografijos parodoje 1867 m.

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos fotografų nuotraukos pirmojoje Rusijos etnografijos parodoje 1867 m
Alternative Title:
Photographs by Lithuanian photographersat the first all-Russian ethnographic exhibition of 1867
In the Journal:
Lietuvos kultūros tyrimai. 2018, 10, P. 142-162. Medijų mitai ir mitai kaip medijos
Summary / Abstract:

LTAptarus Maskvoje 1867 m. vykusios pirmosios Rusijos etnografijos parodos organizavimo rengimo istoriją, atskleidžiamas fotografijos panaudojimas šioje parodoje. Remiantis parodos organizacinio komiteto leidiniais ir naujai rastais archyviniais šaltiniais buvo tiriamas Vilniaus, Kauno ir Suvalkų gubernijų fotografų dalyvavimas parodoje. Išanalizavus Rusijos etnografijos muziejaus Sankt Peterburge fototekos fondą, kuriame saugomos 1867 m. parodos fotografijos, nustatyta, kad didžioji dalis parodai iš Lietuvos siųstų nuotraukų išliko. Tai vertinga ikonografinė Lietuvos istorijos ir etnografijos medžiaga, esmingai papildanti ankstyvosios Lietuvos fotografijos fondą ir mūsų žinias apie fotografijos būklę bei paplitimą Lietuvoje XIX a. septintajame dešimtmetyje. Identifikuotos seniausios Marijampolės, Trakų apskrityje gyvenančių tautinių grupių, Vilniaus žydų ir baltarusių nuotraukos, taip pat ir unikalios stereoskopinės Telšių apskrities valstiečių nuotraukos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Fotografija; Istorija; Etnografinė fotografija; 19 amžius; Karaimai; Žydai; Totoriai; Rusai; Baltarusiai; 1867 m. Rusijos etnografijos paroda; Photography; History; Lithuania; Ethnographic photography; 19th century; Karaims; Jews; Tatars; Belorussians; All-Russian ethnographic exhibition of 1867.

ENIn 1867, Russia's first major ethnographic exhibition was held in Moscow. The exhibition consisted of dioramas with at least 300 mannequins portraying over 60 ethnic groups, and a wide range of additional displays representing the material culture and physical features of the peoples of the Russian Empire. The Exhibition was an important event in the history of photography, since photographs were extensively used at the exhibition. First of all, the photographs of the typical representatives of different nations were used to model the heads of the mannequins. Around 1500 photographs sent from different places or Russia were exhibited in an ethnographic section of the exhibition. This paper starts with exploring the role of photography in the exhibition and the involvement of the photographers by the organising committee. Besides of known printed sources newly discovered archival material held in Lithuanian State Historical Archives is used to describe the process of gathering photographs from the governo- rates inhabited by the Lithuanians. The photographs from the 1867 exhibition are held in the Photographic Collection of the Russian Ethnographic Museums in Saint Petersburg. Research in the museum revealed that majority of the photographs, sent from Vilnius, Kaunas and Suwałki governorates, has been retained. Most of these photographs are identified and published for the first time in this paper. These photographs, being the earliest photographs of Marijampolė town-views, ethnographic types of the Lithuanians from Telšiai district, the Lithuanians, the Jews, the Karaites, the Tartars, the Russians and the Byelorussians from Trakai district, the Lithuanians, the Jews and the Byelorussians of Vilnius town are of the utmost importance for the history of photography and ethnography in Lithuania.The photographic material sent to the exhibition from Lithuania also reveals that photographers were available for gatherers of ethnographic material even in small provincial towns in the sixties of the 19th century. [From the publication]

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