Zu den russischen Personennamen in den Folianten des Deutschen Ordens

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Vokiečių kalba / German
Zu den russischen Personennamen in den Folianten des Deutschen Ordens
Alternative Title:
On Russian personal names in the folios of the Teutonic Order
In the Journal:
Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология [Indo-European linguistics and classical philology]. 2018, 22 (1), p. 108-123. Материалы чтений, посвященных памяти профессора И. М. Тронского, 18-20 июня 2018 г
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Vokiečių Ordinas (Teutonic Order; Kryžiuočių ordinas); Asmenvardžiai; Etninė gyventojų sudėtis; Gyventojų istorija; Regiono daugiatautiškumas; Dcuments of the Teutonic Order; Personal names; Ethnic composition of residents; History of residents; Multiethnicity of the region.

ENBased on unpublished folios of the Teutonic Order, the study sets out to investigate certain personal names mentioned in these sources and the related extralinguistic factors disrupting the established scheme of residents in former Prussia. The research refers to two folios of the Order, i.e. folios 107 and 105, and also uses the material from folios 109 and 111 the discussion of the aforementioned sources. There are more facts about folio 107. Peter von Wormditt, a monk of the Teutonic Order who later served as the Order's procurator at the Roman Curia, was one of its scribes. All the folios of the Order mentioned date back to the end of the 14th century. They contain the texts of privileges and provide accurate information on the Prussian residents who received land by inheritance. The documents mention numerous place names and personal names important for the Prussian proper names and history and show that the Prussian composition of residents can be described as multiethnic. Prussian lands were inhabited by Prussians, Germans. Lithuanians who were forced to abandon Lithuania and settled in Sambia and other Prussian lands from the 14th century are also mentioned in the documents. Curonian fishermen found refuge in Prussian lands as well.The documents under discussion also include Russian names with the indication of nationality. Such names are not numerous; however, 6 of them are described as Russian, and there are no grounds to question the accuracy of the Order's scribes. Female names are seldom mentioned in the Order's documents as well as personal names referring to Prussians, Germans, Lithuanians, Samogitians, Russians. The present article discusses Russian personal names /wan, Gedor, Michil, Demyan, Radewayn, Carpe by providing the context of documents and other factual material. The article opens a discussion with Grischa Vercamer, a historian of the Teutonic Order, who provided accurate spelling of the aforementioned personal names and their affiliation, and still noted that they were Lithuanian. The material under analysis enhances our knowledge about the history of residents, their multiethnic composition and the peculiarities of personal names in the territories under investigation. [From the publication]

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