Šių dienų jaunimo etinių ir etninių vertybių raida Lietuvoje ir užsienyje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šių dienų jaunimo etinių ir etninių vertybių raida Lietuvoje ir užsienyje
Alternative Title:
Development of ethic and ethnic values in the world-outlook of contemporary young people in Lithuania and abroad
Ideologija. Pasaulėžiūra / Ideology. Worldviews; Jaunimas / Youth.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Etinės ir etninės vertybės; Etinės vertybės; Etninės vertybės; Jaunimas; Jaunimo vertybės; Lietuvos jaunimas; Pasaulėžiūra; Ethic and ethnic values; Ethic values; Ethical values; Ethnic values; Lithuanian youth; World -outlook; Youth; Youth values.

ENThe problem of the development of ethic and ethnic values in the world-outlook of contemporary young people in Lithuania and abroad is dealt with in this article. The main thesis is the correlation of ethic and ethnic values. All the ethnic values can be named as very important ones in the scale of ethic values. Both of them are the real and living forms of all the social values. Historical and regional differences may be found in the Lithuanian and (for example) Scandinavian ethic and ethnic values. During the 50 years of the Soviet occupation, all the main ethic values were deformed in the everyday life of common people in all the Soviet Union, including Lithuania and all the other Baltic states. We have to speak about very simple real meanings of the permanent values such as 'tell the truth!'', 'don't steal!', 'don't lead a depraved life!', 'to be allowed', 'not to be allowed' (etc.) in contemporary Lithuania. It is necessary just for making sure they are important for the young people on the scale of their ethic values. The same we can say about respect for other people. We have to respect their world-outlook, health, honourable age, self-assistance etc. in everyday life of common people. The conclusion is the following. We all have to be very careful in education of our young generation in Lithuania. We have to show the importance of ethic and ethnic values in our life to each other and everybody. The same way we have to show the negative consequences of the so-called 'anti-values', such as getting a divorce, illegitimate liaisons, prostitution, abortions, suicide, emigration, etc. The first step in scientific research of all the positive and negative values is to get the actual primary information from real life. [From the publication]

2020-07-28 20:31:15
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