Intermediali lyties dekonstrukcija bei translytiškumo reprezentacija Lietuvos teatre: spektaklio "Trans Trans Trance" atvejis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Intermediali lyties dekonstrukcija bei translytiškumo reprezentacija Lietuvos teatre: spektaklio "Trans Trans Trance" atvejis
Alternative Title:
Intermedial deconstruction of gender and representation of transgender in Lithuanian theatre: case study of the performance "Trans Trans Trance"
In the Journal:
Menotyra. 2019, t. 26, Nr. 2, p. 89-101
Summary / Abstract:

LTFeministinio teatro bruožais pasižymintis režisierės Kamilės Gudmonaitės kartu su aktorėmis Dovile Kundrotaite, Jovita Jankelaityte ir Adele Šuminskaite sukurtas spektaklis „Trans Trans Trance“ (2017) kalba apie moters socialinę lytį (gender) ir translytiškumą bei jungia skirtingus menus-medijas. Straipsnio tikslas – tirti intermedialių strategijų ryšį su lyties dekonstrukcija ir translytiškumo reprezentacija teatre. Kūrinys analizuojamas intermedialumo teorijos įrankius derinant su feministine kritika, translytiškumo studijomis ir queer teorija. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Translytiškumas; Intermedialumas; Socialinė lytis; Lyties performatyvumas; "Trans Trans Trance"; Kamilė Gudmonaitė; Dovilė Kundrotaitė; Jovita Jankelaitytė; Adelė Šuminskaitė; Transgender; Intermediality; Gender; Gender performativity; Feminist theatre; "Trans Trans Trance"; Kamilė Gudmonaitė; Jovita Jankelaitytė; Adelė Šuminskaitė.

ENThis paper analyses the intermedial representation of transgender and gender deconstruction in the performance “Trans Trans Trance” (2017), created by Lithuanian director Kamilė Gudmonaitė and actresses Dovilė Kundrotaitė, Jovita Jankelaitytė and Adelė Šuminskaitė. The performance has features of the feminist theatre and not only explores the gender of woman and transgender identity but also interconnects different arts and media. Several approaches – feminist criticism, transgender studies, queer theory and the concept of intermediality – have been applied to study this performance. The research results reveal that the fragmentary performance narrative is composed of different episodes and is based on intermedial strategies. They allow to reflect gender of woman and gender roles, that are implied by society norms and could limit individual choices. Also, they highlight a complicated interaction between specific body, gender and identity. Moreover, the hybrid transgender image, created by various media, avoids stereotypization of transgender representation. It also emphasizes that part of the society think about transgender people like about dangerous others while they just want to be themselves and participate in the society. [From the publication]

1392-1002; 2424-4708
2019-12-04 08:54:45
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