Ethno-cultural education in Lithuania, Latvia and Poland: young people's activity in the ethno-musical ensembles of higher education schools

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Ethno-cultural education in Lithuania, Latvia and Poland: young people's activity in the ethno-musical ensembles of higher education schools
In the Journal:
Mūzikas zinatne šodien: pastavigais un mainigais : zinātnisko rakstu krājums [Music science today: the permanent and the changeable]. 2018, 2(10), p. 175-181
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Etninės muzikos ansambliai; Etno-kultūrinis ugdymas; Etnokultūrinis ugdymas; Latvia; Lithuania; Muzikinis ugdymas; Neformalus ugdymas; Patriotizmas; Suaugusiųjų ugdymas; Young people activity; Adult learning; Ethno-cultural education; Ethno-musical ensembles; Lithuania' Latvia; Music education; Non-formal education; Patriotism; Young people activity.

ENEthnic culture and its nurturance are undoubtedly important factors in the cultural survival of each nation. Next to the role of family and educational institutions, non-formal education of young people in their leisure time is also of particular importance to the preservation of traditions and their existence in various forms. Firstly, seeking to evoke young peopleís interest in their own national culture, to enable them to perceive their own national identity (ethnic and cultural identity), it is important to understand their attitude towards ethnic culture, to identify young peopleís motives for participating in ethno-cultural activities, which encourage them to gather together, to improve their knowledge and abilities. The research analyses the approach of young people (from the higher education establishments in Lithuania and neighbouring countries ñ Latvia and Poland) towards the activities in ethno-musical ensembles1. The main results show that the informants from all the countries acknowledge the importance of ethnic culture and ethno-cultural education; in particular, the participants in the research highlight the importance of ethno-cultural education for building up their national identity, growth of the sense of patriotism; they tend to deepen their ethno-cultural knowledge; ethno-musical ensembles attract young people because of the opportunities to enable students to experience positive feelings and to expand their social links. [From the publication]

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