LTLeidinys - daugiau kaip 50 Lietuvos žymiausių teisininkų iš Mykolo Romerio universiteto, Vilniaus universiteto ir Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto pastangų rezultatas, skirtas 2018 m. Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo šimtmečio sukakčiai. Mokslo studijoje pateikti pagrindinių teisės šakų: konstitucinės teisės, privatinės teisės, baudžiamosios justicijos, tarptautinės teisės, bei teisės mokslo tyrimų rezultatai, apimantys 1918-2018 m. laikotarpį, atskleidžia Lietuvos teisės raidą per pastarąjį šimtmetį, svarbiausius jos bruožus ir pagrindines tendencijas, poveikį Lietuvos valstybei ir jos institucijoms, dabartines reguliavimo ir praktikos problemas bei tikėtinus teisės raidos pokyčius ateityje. Leidinys skirtas teisininkams, politikams ir politikos mokslų atstovams, istorikams. Knyga bus vertinga socialinių ir humanitarinių mokslų doktorantams, studentams ir plačiajai visuomenei, visiems, kurie domisi Lietuvos demokratinės valstybės raida bei Lietuvos kaip teisinės valstybės raidos perspektyva. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos teisė; Raida; Istorija; Konstitucinė teisė; Privatinė teisė; Baudžiamoji justicija; Tarptautinė teisė; Lithuanian Law; Development; History; Constitutional law; Private law; Criminal justice; International law.
EN[...] The study is a result of joint research efforts of more than 50 outstanding lawyers representing different areas of law from Mykolas Romeris University, Vytautas Magnus University, and Vilnius University. The study, dedicated to the Centennial of Lithuanian statehood due in 2018, presents the results of scientific research on legal science and major branches of law, covering the period of 1918-beginning of 2018 (information presented in the study covers a period until end-2017); it reflects upon the centennial development of Lithuanian law, discusses its major characteristics, tendencies and preconditions of their formation; it examines its influence on the state and state authorities and envisages possible impact on the development of law in the future. The Lithuanian law of 1918-2018 is analysed from the perspective of three statehood periods. 1918-1940 is the period when the independence of the Republic of Lithuania was declared, the groundwork for the statehood was laid and an independent legal system was being established. 1940-1990 denotes the period of occupation, when the authentic legal system of Lithuania was destroyed and the Soviet legal system was forcibly entrenched. The latter was based on socialist ideology and the superiority of governmental authority over the civil society. It is not easy to evaluate the span of 1990-2018 as the impartial assessment of it is seriously hindered by the authors’ partial attitude towards the existing surrounding phenomena.The retrospective analysis of different periods within the legal history of Lithuania is necessary to anticipate future perspectives and tendencies of Lithuanian law and the development of its statehood. Therefore, the present study not only analyses the major aspects of legal history development, but also discusses the main theoretical and practical issues of current legal regulation and provides scientific insights into possible changes of legal regulation. It discusses the main characteristics, tendencies and problematic issues of the development of constitutional, private law, criminal justice and international law in Lithuania. [...]. [From the publication]