Grėsmės retorika kaip paveikaus diskurso instrumentas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Grėsmės retorika kaip paveikaus diskurso instrumentas
Alternative Title:
Rhetoric of threats as a tool for persuasive discourse
In the Journal:
Valoda - .... Valoda dažādu kultūru kontekstā [Language. Language in Various Cultural Contexts]. 2018, P. 172-179. (Zinātnisko rakstu krājums ; 28)
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Political rhetoric; Political discourse; Eristic arguments; Topic.

ENThe article analyzes the rhetoric of threat (an appeal to fear) in political discourse by identifying inventive threat topoi and analyzing rhetorical argumentation ñ the expression of argumentum in terrorem; finally, rhetorical tools creating the value and credibility of addressee are determined. The material under study comprises the electoral programs of the candidates to the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania. The empirical research was performed in the form of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the source content. It allowed to draw the contours of the threat of rhetoric and to reveal the dominant rhetorical topics. The research is of exploratory nature. However, it is sufficient enough to reveal the main trends of political discourse, which probably could be confirmed by wider discourse analysis. It has been established that the threat rhetoric in political programs is used as a development strategy of persuasive discourse. Both the logical and the emotional ñ eristic argumentations smoothly interflow with the rhetoric of threat: the threat is thickened up to the personal interest in anticipation of paying attention and stimulating the voter to make the decision favourable to the candidate. Finally, the threat rhetoric allows candidates to position themselves as promising politicians full of competence or determination and as those who can justify the electorës expectations. [From the publication]

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