Vertybių komunikacijos ypatybės Lietuvos politinių parlamentinių partijų programose (2016 metų rinkimų atvejis)

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vertybių komunikacijos ypatybės Lietuvos politinių parlamentinių partijų programose (2016 metų rinkimų atvejis)
Alternative Title:
Qualities of value-based communication within the programs of the Lithuanian Parliament’s political parties (2016 election case study)
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2019, Nr.1 (82), p. 86-107
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pateikiami 2016 m. rinkimus į LR Seimą laimėjusių partijų (LVŽS, LSDP, TS-LKD, LRLS, TT, LLRA-KŠS) vertybių komunikacijos rinkiminėse programose analizės rezultatai. Pasitelkus tris programų tyrimo kriterijus – teminių dalių apimties, semantinių segmentų ir ideologinių vertybių – spręsti klausimai: kokia yra 2016 m. rinkimus į Lietuvos Seimą laimėjusių partijų vertybinių nuostatų jungtis ir skirtumai; ar tradicinės partijos yra išlaikiusios ideologinę tapatybę; kokios koalicijos Seime po rinkimų buvo galimos vertybiniu pagrindu? Tyrimo duomenys atskleidė, kad visuomenei aktualių vertybių komunikacija visose tirtose programose yra labai panaši, o ideologinių vertybių komunikacijos jungtys klasteriniu metodu atrastos pirmiausia tarp tradicinių partijų. Antrąjį klasterį sudaro nebe tiek tarpusavyje susijusios kitų partijų programos. Beveik identiška situacija nustatyta tiriant šį aspektą programų struktūrinių dalių pagrindu. Taigi nustatyti du paskiri struktūriniai vienetai su didesniais (pirmuoju atveju) ir mažesniais (antruoju) tarpusavio ryšiais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vertybės; Komunikacija; 2016 metų Seimo rinkimai; Lietuvos partijos; Programos; Values; Communication; 2016 Seimas election; Parties of Lithuanian; Programs.

ENThe object of study presented within this article – the qualities of value-based communication from the programs of political parties which successfully won the 2016 Republic of Lithuania Seimas election. The following tasks were addressed within this paper: having analyzed the programs, to create a summary containing a structure that was common throughout all of them; to evaluate the expression of party ideological identity within their programs; to reveal the connections and differences between the declared values of the programs. As research of the dynamics of elections to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania shows, studies are sometimes faced with outcomes that do not correspond to the actual results of the elections. This was recently seen within the 2016 election. It is more common to investigate voters or politicians as individual dimensions. It would be better suited to pay more attention to the analysis of pre-election party programs as an instrument capable of highlighting, in particular, the parties’ divisions and contact points that reveal real, rather than prejudicial, provisions for co-operation (coalition formation) in the Republic of Lithuania Seimas. The following value priorities have been identified in the party programs: Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LVŽS) – healthcare, social security, environmental protection, justice and order; Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (LSDP) – security, justice, equality and solidarity; Order and Justice (TT) – education, children and respect; Homeland Union (TS-LKD) – economic growth and the country itself; Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance (LLRA-KŠS) – culture, self-governance, family, youth and justice; Liberal Movement (LRLS) – citizenship (which is the only identified priority area that distinguishes this party from the others).The results of the correlational analysis revealed that there are three similar socalled traditional programs according to their thematic scope: TS-LKD, LRLS and LSDP, while the most diverse programs were LVŽS and LLRA-KŠS. The LVŽS program is by far the most dissimilar due to the structure and volume of its parts, making it the most incompatible with other programs: all the negative links are captured only between it and the rest of the programs, but only with one of them – LLRA-KŠS – is it statistically significant. The correlation analysis of ideological values revealed a notably similar result, so it can be inferred once again that the election programs of the parties are very similar in terms of ideological values, having a weak ideological divide. Having done the hierarchical cluster analysis for all three criteria, the TS-LKD and LLRS connections were noted as stable in the first cluster (which was shown by the results of other methods), while the TT party program was the most distant from the rest. Two criteria – the scope of ideological values and the part of thematic programs – hierarchies of dendrogramic clusters were almost identical, which shows the reliability of applying these criteria. Based on this information, it was deduced that, program-specific clusters within the 2016 election winning Parliament parties of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, were as follows: the first consists of the TS-LKD and LLRS, later incorporating the LSDP, and the second one – the LVŽS and LLRA-KŠS. Based on the expression of ideological values, TT latter resembled the former tow parties. Thus, two party blocks have been identifiedin the current Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, in accordance to program priorities of value-based communication: a) traditional and b) others.Bearing in mind that, in party programs of the Republic of Lithuania, where social (rather than ideological) values are almost equally actualized, attention should be paid to the importance of election personalities, who have a sense for voter expectations and are capable of effectively communicating values that are important to society. [From the publication]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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