Mariaus Katiliškio novelės "Skara" kohezijos ypatumai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mariaus Katiliškio novelės "Skara" kohezijos ypatumai
Alternative Title:
Particularities of cohesion in the short story "Scarf" by Marius Katiliškis
In the Journal:
Vārds un tā pētišanas aspekti. 2018, 22 (1/2), p. 283-294
Summary / Abstract:

LT[...] Tyrimo objektu pasirinkta Mariaus Katiliškio novelė "Skara". Straipsnio tikslo - aptarti kūrinio formaliąsias rišlumo priemones - siekiama taikant analizės ir interpretacinį metodus. Į šią trumpą, bet labai prasmingą novelę, išspausdintą rinkinyje "Seno kareivio sugrįžimas" (žr. Katiliškis 2003), yra atkreipę dėmesį ir kiti tyrinėtojai. [...]. [Iš Įvado]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kohezija; Kartojimas; Sinonimai; Elipsė; Referencija; Palyginimas; Anafora; Cohesion; Repetition; Synonyms; Ellipsis; Reference; Comparison; Anaphora.

ENThe linguists dealing with text linguistics differentiate seven criteria of textuality, two of which - coherence, or factual content and cohesion, or actual words mutually connected within a sequence - are the most important. Coherence is usually realized by cohesion, which is expressed by different lexical, grammatical, and lexico-grammatical devices. Lexical cohesive devices include various repetitions, synonymic change, and relationship expressed by antonyms, hyperonyms and hyponyms. Grammatical cohesive devices include reference, substitution, and ellipsis. Lexico-grammatical cohesion, also called conjunction, is the relationship of text sentences or text parts, expressed by conjunctions, other cohesive words, particles, and insertions. The short story "Scarf" by Marius Katiliškis was chosen as the object of the research. After analysing the cohesion of the work, the following conclusions have been drawn: 1. The most common lexical cohesive device found in the short story is pure repetition (e.g. Agnieška, skara) as well as contextual synonyms that usually have connotative meanings (e.g. Agnieška - bičiulė, moterėlė; skara - baltoji gražuolė). 2. Information about the main character is provided not only by a repeated naming, fulfilling the function of cohesion, but also by comparisons. 3. The ellipsis of subject and personal reference are the most common grammatical cohesive devices, whilst substitution is rather rare. 4. Several cohesive devices complementing each other are usually combined in sentences related in a consecutive or distance way; lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical cohesion is especially often combined. 5. Anaphoric cohesion prevails - various cohesive devices point to some preceding information. 6. A white, gorgeous, exclusive scarf in the short story acquires a symbolic meaning - its loss correlates with the disappearance of the main character and with the end of the story. [From the publication]

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