Atminties kultūra ir akademinės publicistikos formavimasis nepriklausomoje Lietuvoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Atminties kultūra ir akademinės publicistikos formavimasis nepriklausomoje Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
Culture of memory and the formation of academic publishing in independent Lithuania
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama nepriklausomos Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų mokslininkų šviečiamoji raiška spaudoje nuo universiteto įsteigimo Kaune 1922 m. iki sovietinės okupacijos pradžios 1940 m. Remiamasi skelbtais ir archyviniais šaltiniais, publikuotais darbais, kurie padėjo atskleisti mokslininkų istorinės šviečiamosios veiklos ir istorinės atminties įprasminimo sąveikos ypatumus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pirmoji Lietuvos Respublika; Akademinė inteligentija; Istorinė publicistika; Atminties kultūra; First Republic of Lithuania; Academic intelligentsia; Historic publishing; Cultural memory.

ENThe article analyses the expression of scientists from independent Lithuania’s higher education schools in the periodical press from the establishment of the university in Kaunas in 1922 until the beginning of Soviet occupation in 1940. Both published and archive sources, and published papers were used as part of the study, which helped reveal the historic educational activities of these scientists as well as the features of the interaction of historical memory. The data presented testifies that the themes formed by inter-war historians and other mentioned scientists and the published material they spread sought to nurture a Lithuanian cultural identity and respectively, a value system, in society. Most attention centred on the promotion of the knowledge of history in the periodical press, with most articles on historic themes being printed in cultural magazines such as "Židinys", "Naujoji Romuva" and "Kultūra". It was not only professional historians such as Augustinas Janulaitis and Zenonas Ivinskis who had their educational texts published in these periodicals, but also scientists from other fields, such as Steponas Kolupaila, Vincas Čepinskis, Petras Leonas and others. This academic work created important provisions for the formation of a cultural memory. The spread of a collective cultural memory primarily sought to strengthen independent Lithuanian society’s bond with the country’s history. University scientists also encouraged strengthening public organisations, but also prompted government and self-governing institutions to dedicate more attention and funds towards boosting the activities of historic memory institutions and the formation of a national orientation.The combination of a history narrative and bringing significance to memory is a critical problem in the formation of a cultural memory today, as such, the initiatives of the public academic intelligentsia in this field are no less important to Lithuania’s society and the state. The amount of attention and resources that are dedicated to this field can be an indicator of a society’s approach towards its history and its heritage. This approach changes over time, however the role of academic publishing and social responsibility expressed in different ways remains an important factor. [From the publication]

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